10 personalities revealed by Philippe Bouvard

10 personalities revealed by Philippe Bouvard
10 personalities revealed by Philippe Bouvard

Through his cult show “Le Théâtre de Bouvard” on Antenne 2, Philippe Bouvard reveals young talents to the general public. In the 80s, comedians, actors, etc. beginners rushed to join the troupe. Most of them enjoy national fame even today.

The September 13, 1982, Philippe Bouvard opens the doors of his theater: “Le Théâtre de Bouvard”. The show, broadcast on Antenne 2, brings together some members of its other show “Les Grosses Têtes” and resembles a “bar discussion”. It is broadcast every day of the week just before the 8 p.m. news “mass” and lasts around fifteen minutes. Quickly, the format evolves and transforms, to allow young talents to try out their sketch. Unknown at the time, the show allowed the artists to achieve a certain notoriety. “Le Théâtre de Bouvard” becomes an unmissable event for viewers.

1 – The Unknowns become known at Philippe Bouvard

Didier Bourdon, Pascal Légitimus and Bernard Campan known for sketches such as “Télé Magouille” or “Le millionaire” started with Philippe Bouvard. In 1982, through an acquaintance, Pascal Légitimus succeeds in joining the show “The Bouvard theater”. Once the young actor is in the troupe, he takes the opportunity to bring in his two friends: Didier Bourdon and Bernard Campan. Through the sketches, they meet Smaïn and Seymour Brussel and form a first group of comedians.

In 1984, after having acquired great notoriety, the five comedians left the show. THE June 23, 1984it is now official, the group of “Unknowns” is created. Firstly, they tried cinema and offered a first film to the public “The telephone always rings twice”, it was a failure. Finally, Smaïn and Seymour Brussel left the group to try solo careers. The trio of Unknowns is then formed as we know it today. Success eventually arrived with their sketch show “La Télé des Inconnus”.

2 – Michèle Bernier

It’s a bit of the same story that happened to Michèle Bernier. In 1982, she joined “Le Théâtre de Bouvard” and meets Mimie Mathy and Isabelle Botton. The three young actresses then form a trio nicknamed “The Girls” and perform a series of sketches. At the same period, Michèle Bernier also made the meeting his future companion, Bruno Gaccio, writer for the show. He also became an author for “Les guignols de l’info” on Canal +. In 1983, Philippe Bouvard asked Bernier to join him as a columnist in “Les Grosses Têtes” on RTL. A position that she will occupy and that she still holds today alongside Laurent Ruquier.

3 – Mimie Mathy: from Fugain to Philippe Bouvard

In the 70s, the young artist from Lyon met Michel Fugain. She applies to join her “Big Bazar” troupe but the latter advises her to finish her studies. Finally, at 22, she met the singer again in Paris. Fugain has just landed a contract with TF1 for the show “Les Fugues de Fugain” and asked him to join it. The show was not very successful and viewers are outraged by the presence of Mimie Mathy [en raison de sa taille…].

Quickly, she was spotted by Philippe Bouvard and joined his show “Le théâtre de Bouvard” in 1982. She forms the trio “Les Filles” with Michèle Bernier and Isabelle Botton. The three actresses left the theater in 1984. Mimie Mathy played in several TV films before finding fame with her legendary role of “Josephine, Guardian Angel” on TF1.

4 – Muriel Robin

In the 80s, Muriel Robin joined Roger Lauet, famous director and playwright in Le Lot-et-Garonne. In her troupe, she meets Elie Semoun and Annie Grégorio. She quickly becomes friends with her. In 1982, it was with Annie Grégorio that she left to try her luck in the capital. The two friends joined “Le Théâtre de Bouvard” and little by little, Muriel Robin’s talent was spotted by professionals in the sector. Despite the authority of Philippe Bouvard, she left the show and launched her career.

5 – Annie Grégorio

In 1980, she joined the “Baladius troupe” and met her future friend, Muriel Robin. In 1982, she stood out for her “southwest” side and her outspokenness and joined “Le Théâtre de Bouvard”. His strong personality will allow him to achieve great success outside of the show. Viewers will be able to appreciate him in series such as “Clem” on TF1 and in films such as “Les Visiteurs”.

Also read: Philippe Bouvard releases his very personal dictionary

6 – Chantal Ladesou

Before joining Philippe Bouvard’s show, Chantal Ladesou played a few roles in different films for the cinema. The small roles that productions offered him did not allow him to obtain recognition. She tried to start her career at the “Petit Théâtre de Bouvard” but once again the public was not there for the young actress. It was not until the end of the 80s and her arrival on the show “La Classe” on France 3 that Chantal Ladesou, aged 40, became famous.

7 – The Vamps

For the youngest, “Les Vamps” is the equivalent of “Bodin’s” in the 80s. To perform the different sketches, Nicole Allezard and Dominique de Lacoste disguise themselves as old ladies with caricatured features from the 50s. They become Lucienne Beaujon and Gisèle Rouleau. One is execrable while the other is naive. They started in 1984, at the Avignon Festival and offer a first show in which they take the opportunity to “fine-tune” the two characters.

Television quickly became interested in these two “UFOs” and “Les Vamps” included “Le Théâtre de Bouvard”. The success was immediate and allowed them a few years later to join “La Classe” on France 3. After television, “Les Vamps” took the stage for a tour throughout France in their first and major show, in 1988. show which tells the story of the pilgrimage to Lourdes.

8 – Chevallier and Laspalès

Normally, most duos, trios or groups are formed within the show. This is not the case for Philippe Chevallier and Régis Laspalès. The two men meet at the wedding of a mutual friend. During the same year, they wrote and performed their first show in which they played characters. On the occasion of this show called “No fantasy in orangeade” at the Edgar theater, they met Philippe Bouvard. They integrate “Le petit théâtre de Bouvard” during five yearsfrom 1982 to 1987.

9 – Philippe Bouvard does not want Jean-Marie Bigard

Jean-Marie Bigard will experience a different trajectory from the others. Accompanied by his friend, Tex, he hopes to enter Bouvard. It’s his dream. He knows the show by heart. The two artists underwent tests which did not prove conclusive for Jean-Marie Bigard. At the last minute, Philippe Bouvard comes to see the rehearsals just before the recording of the show and decides to modify the sketch of the two comedians. Bouvard highlights Tex and Bigard takes a back seat.

Jean-Marie Bigard does not give up and wants to try his luck once again. He wrote around fifty sketches in four months. Philippe Bouvard refuses his sketches but recognizes in him a certain talent. He then advises her to become an author. Jean-Marie Bigard then became an author before launching his career on stage and performing his own sketches.

10 – Laurent Baffie

Before becoming Thierry Ardisson’s accomplice, Laurent Baffie had to “roll his way”. He is one of the few to have remained in the shadows of the show before becoming famous. In reality, Laurent Baffie has never performed sketches on the show. However, he was hired as an author for “The Bouvard Theater”. He had this role when the show was broadcast on Cinq in 1988 and 1989 alongside another essential author on the show, Jean-Noël Gou.

Also read: 5 key dates in the career of Philippe Bouvard



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