For several weeks now, Benoît has caused a sensation on the set of Don't forget the lyrics. The young man managed to go beyond Queen Margaux and rank at the top of the best maestro. This Friday, January 24, 2025, he still admitted to being in difficulty …
Benoît is the maestro in full ascent of the show Don't forget the lyricsbroadcast on France 2 and hosted by Nagui. In just a few weeks, He has established himself as one of the most formidable candidates in the history of the game. With an incredible memory of words and a foolproof composure, he broke impressive records. Benoît notably exceeded Margaux, a former title of the title of greatest maestro of the show, by reaching first place in the ranking. Margaux, who had accumulated 530,000 euros in 59 victories, reacted with great humor to this feat, before congratulating his acolyte. Another record made by Benoît: He managed to exceed the 600,000 euros mark won by a maestro. This Friday, January 24, Benoît arrived on the set with an impressive track record: 610,000 euros accumulated in 88 victories …
“I revise what I already know, but …”
But will he succeed in his prowess for a long time? Still in competition, he expressed his intention to continue to progress. Nagui also wanted to set him a new course: the 100 victories. “I would love”recognized Benoît. However, he told Nagui that the challenge became more and more complex. “The song of song is starting to run out anyway. We see him passing as you go, it is starting to be harder and harder for me “he said.
-But then to remedy it, he decided to immerse yourself in revisions? This is the question that Nagui asked him. And that's where Benoît makes a mistake. He admits: “No way. I revise what I already know but I don't learn any news. “ Benoît explained that he took about three months to memorize an entire title, which complicates intensive revisions. Despite this, and after a difficult round against a determined challenger, Benoît managed to win an 89ᵉ victory. He has like increases your prize pool to 620,000 euros, consolidating his status as a legend in Don't forget the lyrics. Hoping that the adventure continues for a long time!