The voice of voices – Thanks Jannik

The voice of voices – Thanks Jannik
The voice of voices – Thanks Jannik

De Minaur is number 8 in the world tennis ranking, not a struggling amateur. In Melbourne, the Australian pitted his racket against the legendary Jannik with the affectionate comfort of 15 thousand compatriots opposed in an unequal measure to a dozen Italians. On the day after the show, of the variety show of the tragicomic couple Trump-Musk, the sensational truth of Sinner, of the unbeatable South Tyrolean annoyed by colleagues (Kirgios, Medvedev) prey to overflowings of envious bile, is opposed to the lies of bluff reports, but not to the point of negatively influencing his splendid superiority as an athlete and young gentleman.

For a few hours, poor De Minaur, physically and mentally demolished by an impeccable Sinner, has mimed his unconditional surrender several times by spreading his arms and turning his eyes in search of comfort. The truth of a champion who wins overwhelmingly and responds on the field to frustrated detractors does not have the adequate dimension to compensate for the blatant lies of dangerous attackers of world democracy that the disconcerting American voters have sent to the White House, but comparing truth and lies is good anyway , despite their abysmal diversity.

The tycoon lies, of whom even his third wife is ashamed, forced to attend her husband’s coronation and to go unnoticed in anonymous clothing. The overflowing Donald, a creature he says is pleasing to the Eternal Father, absolves the horde of rowdy Capitol attackers he incited. As if to say “Institutional desecration? It was a prank by young Americans who had overindulged in quenching their thirst with a couple of beers… they were invited to a masquerade party, as demonstrated by the horned Viking at the head of the gang… The angry reaction of the staff in charge of the premises being turned upside down is responsible cleaning, on strike because underpaid…”. The tycoon’s benevolent innocentism, contradicted by the reintroduction of the death penalty, found immediate converts.

Her devoted follower Giorgia and who on her behalf (Nordio?) gave the OK for the freedom of General Almasri Habish, a ruthless torturer and sent him back to his Libya, Our lady president of the government must get busy if she wants to stay at the step (‘on track’ as suggested by the crowd of his ‘friends’) with the ‘clean-up’ of migrants ordered by Trump (starting with the raids on flies). To be worthy, the most powerful woman in Europe should plan a campaign of expulsions, of returns to the sender, free of charge, pushing migrants to return to where they came from by swimming, via Mare Nostrum. Another gap: Giorgia has no expansionist ambitions, she does not claim the annexation of Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, she betrays the neo-colonialist strategy of the new US president who intends to annex Canada and Greenland.


From lie to lie. With the vehemence of a bodybuilder, out of euphoria from little aids in pills, the ‘Scrooge of Scrooges’, more King Midas of all, aka Musk, directed his eyes to the sky, with his arm outstretched in the Nazi-fascist salute, commented thus by a certain Andrea Stroppa, who represents it in Italy: “The empire of Rome is back, starting with the Roman salute”. There is no need to remember the support of the new deputy Trump for the German Nazis of the AfD, the invitation to Washington of their leader Von Storch, of the right-wing Meloni and not of Ursula von Layen who represents Europe. Georgia will have more to lie about by following Trump who disavows the World Health Organization, dissociates himself from climate agreements and announces the energy revaluation of coal and oil (which we buy from the USA at record costs). What will Giorgia invent to justify the stop to alternative energy sources, to absolve herself from the inevitable increase in fuel bills? What about the additional duty charges on products imported from the United States? Lastly: if, as it seems, America suggests-forbids us to execute the international arrest warrant for the war criminal Netanhjau, what other lie will Palazzo Chigi come up with?

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