This Friday, the National Rugby League paid tribute to the former Minister of Agriculture Didier Guillaume, who died at the age of 65. The former politician was a rugby enthusiast who had worked with the NRL.
Former Minister of Agriculture and Food under the government of Edouard Philippe, Didier Guillaume died this Friday, January 17, following a “rapid illness that occurred during his hospitalization”. Active in the world of rugby during his lifetime, the man who worked in the NRL a few years ago is missed by the National Rugby League.
The latter wanted to publish a press release to pay tribute to the man who served his institution. “A great rugby enthusiast, Didier Guillaume joined the NRL Steering Committee and Office in 2021 to support professional rugby in its development, thanks to his experience and knowledge of rugby and institutions. He leaves a big void. All members of the National Rugby League send their most sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.”
The National Rugby League (LNR) learned with great sadness of the death of Didier Guillaume.
-Didier Guillaume dedicated his life to public action, exercising responsibilities as Mayor, President of the General Council, Senator and Minister of Agriculture and Food…
— National Rugby League (@LNRofficiel)