Béziers wins against , Brive falls heavily in

Béziers wins against , Brive falls heavily in
Béziers wins against Nice, Brive falls heavily in Dax

Thanks to their success against the Niçois, the Biterrois return to the level of the Corréziens in the ranking.

Béziers, easy winner of on Friday with the offensive bonus (42-9), kept pace with , solid leader of Pro D2, who opened the 16th day on Thursday by dismissing (35-15). Facing the red lantern, the Héraultais already led 21-9 at half-time. They remain 3rd in Pro D2, with an unchanged delay of 10 points on the FCG, but temporarily return to Brive.

The Coujous, who were playing in a staggered match at , were under pressure: 10 lengths behind Grenoble at kick-off, the CAB, a declared candidate for promotion to the Top 14, had to win to stay on pace. And it was a failure for the Corréziens who lost in the Landes (22-9).

Traveling to , Provence (4th) fought. Trailing 10-3 at half-time, the Provençaux ended up winning 17-10 without taking the bonus point and found themselves eleven points from the lead. Note that George North, the Welsh rugby icon, entered in the 46th minute and made his debut with the Aix team.

Results of the matches of the 16th day:

Thursday January 9
Grenoble (bo) – Montauban 35-15

Friday January 10
– Soyaux-Angoulême 10-25
Béziers (bo) – Nice 42-9
Agen – Provence Rugby 10-17
(bo) – Mont-de-Marsan 34-0
-Romans (bd) – 24-29
Dax (bo) – Brive 22-9



PREV Pro D2 – “We put a lot of emphasis on our defense for this restart”, declares Paul Recor (Béziers)
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