The second wedding ceremony of Hulk, 38 years old, Atlético Mineiro player, and Camila Angelo35, which took place on Tuesday, the 7th, continues to be a topic on social media. During the party, a video shared by a friend of the groom, Aderbal Freire, drew attention by showing the moment when Hulk “steals” his friend’s sunglasses. However, what really stood out was the athlete’s luxurious watch.
“My glasses are gone… however, I loved this limited edition Audemars Piguet, my friend,” he wrote Aderbalwhile filming the player wearing the luxury watch, a Millenary Baguette Diamond model. The piece, which is studded with diamonds and made of 18-carat white gold, has an impressive value of US$677,000 (approximately R$3 million).
The watch also features a mother-of-pearl dial, an off-center disc with diamond pavé, a blue alligator leather strap and an anti-reflective sapphire crystal.
-Declaration of love
On Wednesday the 8th, Hulk also used social media to share moments from the wedding with Camila. In a post on Instagram, the player published never-before-seen photos of the ceremony, held at a luxury resort in João Pessoa, Paraíba, and expressed his love for Camilacelebrating the union.
The relationship between the player and Camila continues to generate debate, mainly because she is the niece of Hulk’s ex-wife. Furthermore, the couple’s daughters are cousins of the player’s children, which makes the situation even more intriguing.