The appearance of a new generation Chinese fighter on the country’s social networks on December 26 had already had the effect of a bomb, in the sphere of aeronautical experts and the Chinese armies.
Very imposing, the new aircraft from the Chengdu aircraft manufacturer, which is today designated J-36 by the numbering observed on its fuselage, ticks many boxes of the sixth generation of combat aircraft, currently under development in Europe and the United States. -United, in particular with increased electrical power thanks to an engine composed of three turbojets.
If the appearance of the J-36 was a surprise, that of a second prototype, probably developed by the second Chinese combat aircraft manufacturer, Shenyang, on the same day, left most of these experts speechless. Indeed, not only was the device unknown, but it also seems to display many attributes of this new generation.
Less documented and iconographed than the J-36, this new prototype, currently called “J-50” by the press, has been the subject of much fewer articles in the specialized press, and comments. experts. One of them, however, has just put forward a most interesting hypothesis.
Indeed, according to specialist commentator Du Wenlong, recognized in China, the new Shenyang aircraft would not be intended for the Chinese air forces, but for the naval air forces, and could represent the next heavy fighter embarked on board Chinese aircraft carriers.
The J-50, second Chinese new generation fighter observed on December 26, 2024
As mentioned in the introduction, the small number of photos and videos published (in the main illustration), about this new generation Chinese fighter, necessarily limits the understanding of this new weapon system.
At best, we know that the aircraft is more compact than the J-36, but larger than the J-16 or the J-20 currently in service. Unlike the J-36, it only has two turbojets, and a semi-delta wing similar to that which was chosen, for example, for the Tempest of the British GCAP program.
Unlike the latter, however, the J-50 lacks a vertical tail, which tends to increase its multi-aspect stealth and speed, at the cost of reduced maneuverability.
According to certain estimates circulating on social networks, the device would have a length and wingspan of around 22 m, and a maximum mass of 35 to 40 tonnes, compared to 21 m/13 m and 37 tonnes, for the J- 20.
It appears to have two large weapons bays, designed to carry long munitions, such as the new long-range PL-17 air-to-air missiles, or air-to-ground or air-to-surface munitions. On the other hand, its twin-engine configuration would give it neither the electrical power nor the speed of the J-36, and its smaller dimensions require a smaller quantity of fuel carried, therefore also a lesser autonomy.
Chinese military expert says J-50 would be intended to operate from PLA aircraft carriers
Why, then, is China simultaneously developing two aircraft that seem to fit into the classification of the sixth generation of combat, with such different performances?
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