To take advantage of these reduced prices, simply book on the Ouigo website or application. And for those who are undecided, the “Ouigoflex” option allows you to change your tickets at will up to 30 minutes before departure, for €9 for adults and free for children. Without this option, be careful: tickets are neither refundable nor modifiable.
Union criticism of the state of the trains
If these discounted prices are enough to attract travelers, the railway unions are issuing an alert on the state of the Ouigo trains. In a press release published on January 6, the CGT, Unsa and SUD-Rail unions denounce a “significant deterioration” of low-cost trains, affecting both the working conditions of employees and the quality of service for passengers.
Condemned toilets, repeated breakdowns and hygiene problems…
In a statement, the unions described the trains as “wrecks” facing “material failures, delays, cockroaches and bedbugs”. Condemned toilets, repeated breakdowns and hygiene problems are among the malfunctions reported. According to them, the low-cost economic model is reaching its limits: “The more time passes, the more the trains run and the less reliable they are. »
-The climax would have been reached at the end of November, with seven Ouigo trainsets simultaneously out of service. The unions are demanding a repair of the wagons, better management of malfunctions and exceptional bonuses for staff working on Ouigo. They also announced a rally planned for January 10 in front of the Gare de Lyon in Paris, threatening a strike if their demands are not taken into account.