The teenager, unknown to the justice system, “was walking with a friend when around ten hooded individuals arrived” and made “more than ten shots”indicated Eric Vaillant, public prosecutor of Grenoble.
“The two young girls lay down on the ground but one of them was still hit in the thigh (light injury)”he added. The teenager was not “not targeted by the shots”intervened at a deal point and left “around fifteen cases of two different types of ammunition”. Seven vehicles were damaged by the shooting, according to the prosecutor.
At the same time, a 20-year-old man, known to the courts, went to the Cèdres clinic, also in Echirolles, with a gunshot wound to the right thigh. “Little talkative”he explained that he had been targeted by shots coming from individuals on a scooter.
An investigation into attempted murder has been opened
Furthermore, without knowing whether the two cases are linked, a 29-year-old man, born in Algeria and of no known address, was injured shortly before 8 p.m. “when he had just taken refuge” one tram stop from the center of Grenoble. He was injured by a bullet hole in his right hand, “probably with a small caliber”according to the prosecutor.
“The uncooperative victim indicates that a hooded individual riding a scooter used a firearm in his direction”he indicated, specifying that an investigation into intentional violence with a weapon had been opened.