The French Navy tested its new F21 heavy torpedo fired by a nuclear attack submarine

The French Navy tested its new F21 heavy torpedo fired by a nuclear attack submarine
The French Navy tested its new F21 heavy torpedo fired by a nuclear attack submarine

It was the first firing “in real conditions” of the new F21 heavy torpedo. Last Saturday, a nuclear attack submarine (SNA) “successfully” fired this combat torpedo on a real target, destroying the hull of the old ship Chief Petty Officer L’Herpreviously decontaminated, indicates the Ministry of Defense.

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“Increased discretion, range, speed and targeting: Congratulations to our sailors and the teams mobilized for its development” indicates the resigning Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu on his X account.

“Intended to destroy or neutralize surface vessels or submarines”

“The F21 torpedo is intended to destroy or neutralize surface vessels or submarines, most of which are equipped with detection systems and anti-torpedo countermeasures,” indicates the General Directorate of Armaments. “Designed to equip Rubis and Suffren class nuclear attack submarines, as well as nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs), the F21 torpedo represents an evolution in the armament of these units: level of discretion , range of action, strike speed and detection capabilities superior to previous weapons” completes the French Navy.

This torpedo will replace the 7 “by providing improved performance in the face of new threats” adds the DGA. “Given the tightening of the international context and the putting into service of the latest generation of complex munitions, it now appears relevant and possible to resort again, on an ad hoc basis, to such weapons experiments at sea” adds the statement. Ministry of the Armed Forces.



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