No discount. Giorgia Meloni, in the speech that closes the Atreju Festival at the Circus Maximus, removes some pebbles from her shoes, sharpens her dialectical weapons and responds blow for blow to a series of attacks received in recent weeks.
Present, past and (perhaps) future leaders of the center-left come into focus. The first thought – without mentioning her – goes to the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein and her difficulty in calculating. «With this government there is the highest allocation for healthcare ever – recalls the prime minister -. The calculation is not difficult, it can even be done without using a calculator. The increase is ten billion in the last two years. Before the arrival of this government, when there were those who now say that we don't spend enough, in the last four years the health fund had increased by eight billion. With what face do they say that we didn't do well? The calculator is for you. Which to be exact is not even ten billion but twelve, since those of the cohesion agreements and 750 million euros from the revision of the Pnrr must be added”.
Meloni then directs his attacks more directly towards the dem leader, referring to the Stellantis case. «We didn't see the Democratic Party coming. Elly Schlein's tongue gets stuck when she has to say the word Stellantis, but maybe she's engaged in anti-fascism, dancing on the gay pride float or rapping.”
The second attack is aimed at the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini. «Landini's arguments are weak and he tries to cover them up by raising his tone – explains the prime minister -, he is not doing the strikes to help the workers but rather the left. Except that, for a long time now, those who help the left have not helped the workers”, also because “in Italy now it is only the right that defends the workers”.
The writer Roberto Saviano is also in the sights of the leader of the Brothers of Italy. Even for the author of Gomorrah, Meloni spares no barbs. «We have thrown the Camorra out of the management of applications for the permits of regular migrants just as we have thrown out the Camorra who occupied the public housing in Caivano and here too we expect the compliments of the anti-mafia gurus like Roberto Saviano tomorrow. Even if there is nothing left to make a million-dollar television series about.”
A pointed arrow is addressed to the artists lined up on the left, recalling the American precedent. Against the security decree I see «a lot of mobilization of singers and actors. A mobilization that will more or less have the same results as that carried out by Hollywood actors against Donald Trump”, he says with a hint of sarcasm. The prime minister then recalls some “famous phrases” pronounced against her. «Ipse dixit Elly Schlein: With Meloni, Italy is isolated in Europe. Ipse dixit Giuseppe Conte: Meloni's failure means relegating Italy to the bench. But above all ipse dixit Romano Prodi who said: «The establishment adores Meloni because he obeys».
«I want to tell Prodi that various things he has done in his life, from the sale of IRI to how Italy entered the Euro, passing through the decisive role in China's entry into the WTO, demonstrate that he knows a lot about obedience a lot of”.