new questionnaires distributed this year to detect cases of school bullying

Nearly 7.5 million students are encouraged to anonymously complete a questionnaire by next week, with very concrete situations.

Published on 07/11/2024 06:47

Reading time: 2min

An elementary school student. Illustrative image. (STEPHANIE PARA / MAXPPP)
An elementary school student. Illustrative image. (STEPHANIE FOR/MAXPPP)

A national day to mark the spirits and raise awareness among young people and adults about bullying at school. Thursday, November 7, establishments are encouraged to organize events around this scourge, one year after the interministerial plan launched in September 2023, which itself followed several suicides of harassed students.

Last year, for the first time, a self-assessment questionnaire was distributed to all students to measure the level of harassment between young people. The same grid will be distributed again from Thursday.

In total, around thirty questions will be submitted to schoolchildren from CE2 and up to around forty for middle and high school students around very concrete situations: “Are you afraid to go to school? Do you have a stomach ache because of what you experience at school? Do you eat alone in the canteen? Are you bothered when you go to the bathroom? Do you have at least one friend at your school?”

The circulation of messages and photos on social networks is also discussed. The objective is to detect potential problem situations. 7.5 million students are encouraged to complete this questionnaire on paper or on digital workspaces by next week. He remains, like last year, anonymous to free his voice. It is then up to the educational teams to encourage potential victims to testify.

In addition to this internal management at each establishment, classes were targeted by the ministry, a representative panel, for statistical processing. Last year this survey showed that 5% of schoolchildren were harassed, 6% of middle school students and 4% of high school students, which represents one to two students per class, on average.



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