French Tech -Saclay and join forces for a “partnership in the service of innovation”

French Tech -Saclay and join forces for a “partnership in the service of innovation”
French Tech Paris-Saclay and Orange join forces for a “partnership in the service of innovation”


Thibaut Faussabry

Published on

Oct 17, 2024 at 6:48 a.m.

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Promoting technological innovation and supporting local economic development, these are the objectives of the partnership signed on September 24, 2024 by l company et the association La French Tech -Saclaybased in Orsay and which brings together nearly 350 start-ups members of and Essonne.

Start-ups can access Orange’s innovation ecosystem

The partnership with the French telecommunications company offers member start-upsenter into its devices such as the Orange Venture strategic investment fund, the Orange Fab start-up accelerator, the Orange Developer tool and the Women Entrepreneurs program.

Enough to enable start-ups in particular dedicated to the production of disruptive innovations (“DeepTech”) of the territory to accelerate their growth.

For Orange, this partnership with French Tech Paris-Saclay makes it possible to “reaffirm the ambition of make start-ups key partnerss to anticipate market developments and develop innovative solutions.”

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Gain in visibility and network for the company

In return, the association undertakes to strengthen the visibility of Orange services and to position the company on events.

“We are already involving Orange in two upcoming events, French Tech Rise Fund Truck on October 29 in and Ecosystem Player: start-up & major accounts meeting on November 12 in Gif-sur-Yvette,” underlines Nadia Benallal, general delegate of La French Tech Paris-Saclay.

If the first event consists of pitching local entrepreneurs to investors, the second will turn the situation around and will pitch major partner accounts like Danone and Servier on their use cases and their desire to work with start-ups to solve them.

Four and a half years after its creation, the association has around forty partners mainly made up of consulting firms, large companies and investors.

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