classes still suspended at Sévigné high school this Wednesday

A teacher was attacked by a student this Monday, October 7, at the Sévigné high school in (North). According to the Minister of Education, the teacher was “violently molested” when she asked the high school student to remove her veil within the establishment. Classes have been suspended since Tuesday.

No classes at the Sévigné high school in Tourcoing this Wednesday, October 9. Two days after the attack on a teacher by an 18-year-old student, to whom she had asked to remove her veil, the establishment is open but classes are not offered. It is once again a time of exchange which is announced for the teachers and the few students present.

The reception of students is still assured. A listening and support unit for teachers and students has been set up.

Mobile security teams are also mobilized, as well as Values ​​of the Republic teams, responsible for speaking to students about the events that occurred as well as the notion of secularism.

Some students came to support their teacher, who filed a complaint. “It’s a secular high school and we don’t have to put on the veil just before returning. She should just have taken off her veil and put it on when leaving the school,” said a student speaking to BFMTV.

The teacher “violently molested”

This Monday, the altercation between the teacher and the student broke out around 4:40 p.m., while the teacher was returning from a school trip. In the corridors of the establishment, she comes across three veiled students, whom she asks to remove their veils.

Of the three, two students responded positively to the request, the third strongly contested it. She explains to the teacher that she is getting ready to leave the establishment. Faced with this refusal, the teacher asks her to calm down and obey her request, but the 18-year-old young woman continues on her way. In the courtyard of the establishment, the teacher catches up with her and reminds her of the ban on wearing ostentatious religious symbols. The student allegedly pushed the teacher to continue on his way.

A very lively exchange ensues before the teacher asks the high school student to give her her identity. It was at that moment that the latter grabbed the teacher’s arm and slapped her. A slap given by the teacher to the student, specifies the prosecutor’s office.

The young girl then violently pushed the teacher against the wall. In its press release, the prosecution mentions “beatings, threats and shoving”.

Questioned at the National Assembly this Tuesday, the Minister of National Education, Anne Genetet indicated that the teacher had been “violently molested”.

Classes are expected to resume this Thursday, October 10.

Vincent Viellard with Alicia Foricher



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