TF1’s tribute to Michel Blanc divides Internet users

“Les Bronzés” have lost one of their own… The world of the seventh art is in mourning. The actor Michel Blanc died on the night of October 3 to 4 at the age of 72. He died of anaphylactic shock, which led to angioedema. Despite the treatment received at the hospital, the actor, who was a great hypochondriac, did not survive this allergic reaction. His disappearance triggered a wave of emotions in the world of cinema, but not only. mourns its idol, just like the members of Splendid, this legendary band at the origin of the cinematographic triumph, “Les Bronzés”, of which the actor was a part.

After the sudden death of Michel Blanc, the channels of the TF1 group decided to modify their programming to pay tribute to the iconic actor. This Sunday, October 6, no less than three films with Gérard Jugnot’s friend are broadcast on TF1 and TFX. Indeed, on TF1, viewers have the pleasure of seeing “Les Bronzés”, with the famous character of Jean-Claude Dusse, played by Michel Blanc, at 9:10 p.m., thus replacing the planned new broadcast of “The Batman”. On TFX, two other films, “Les Souvenirs” and “Nos 18 ans”, are also in the spotlight during the evening.

VIDEO – Michel Blanc considered his role in Les Bronzés as a “hurdle” in his career

“Les Bronzés” is the first opus of the famous Splendid saga, released in 1978. It stars Michel Blanc in the role of Jean-Claude Dusse, a clumsy and unforgettable character. With 2.3 million admissions upon its release, this film launched the career of this group of friends. Even if “Les Bronzés” is regularly rebroadcast on television, viewers were once again there. This program attracted a strong audience, reinforced by the emotion following the death of the actor.

“I like to watch this film lightly, but tonight my heart is sad”

The rebroadcast of the film “Les Bronzés” on TF1 in tribute to Michel Blanc aroused strong emotion among viewers. Many welcomed the channel’s initiative, although the announcement of the programming was late. On X, the old Twitter, fans expressed their gratitude while sharing great sadness. Seeing Jean-Claude Dusse, a usually comic character, in this context took on a particular resonance, making the viewing more poignant. This cult film, which left its mark on generations, is no longer seen in the same way after the disappearance of Michel Blanc. Between laughter and tears, X subscribers shared their emotions, oscillating between nostalgia for the funny moments offered by this film and the sadness linked to the disappearance of the actor.

Tweets around the rebroadcast of “Bronzés” on TF1 in tribute to Michel Blanc reveal mixed reactions among subscribers. While some appreciate the channel’s initiative, others question the choice of this film, considering it broadcast too often and thus limiting the scope of the tribute. Users of of the role of Jean-Claude Dusse. Some even think that deprogramming “The Batman” to broadcast “Les Bronzés” is overkill, which raises debates about how to celebrate an actor’s legacy.

VIDEO – Gérard Jugnot moved to tears during a tribute to Michel Blanc this Saturday at the Cinéroman festival in



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