Strike of October 1: 2,800 demonstrators in this Tuesday morning

Strike of October 1: 2,800 demonstrators in this Tuesday morning
Strike of October 1: 2,800 demonstrators in Marseille this Tuesday morning

The procession for the repeal of the pension reform, the defense of public services and an increase in wages, brought together 2800 people this Tuesday morning in according to the police headquarters. Led by the CGT, FSU and Solidaires, the demonstrators addressed their demands to Prime Minister Michel Barnier who is delivering his general policy speech at 3 p.m. at the National Assembly.

In the Marseille procession, there are also young people, like Solenestudent at the Lycée Honoré Daumier in the 8th arrondissement of Marseille: “We have a government that has not respected our voting choices at all (…) Macron does not respect us and that is not possible“The girl is no longer.”of hope in the current government“, who has just been appointed.

A still this Tuesday morning, the police headquarters reported 150 demonstrators.

More than 180 manifestations are planned for this Tuesday throughout .
For comparison, the union had more than 200 on May 1 and 250 during the last day of mobilization against pension reform in June 2023.
In , the authorities are counting on 5,000 to 10,000 people for the demonstration planned between Denfert-Rochereau and Bastille this afternoon, according to a police source.

Tuesday “will be a first step” which “will allow us to count the forces and show our determination”, told AFP the secretary general of the FSU, Benoît Teste.



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