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Audiences: What results for “Fortune de ”, the historic saga of 2 with Nicolas Duvauchelle and Guillaume Gouix?

Audiences: What results for “Fortune de ”, the historic saga of 2 with Nicolas Duvauchelle and Guillaume Gouix?
Audiences: What results for “Fortune de France”, the historic saga of France 2 with Nicolas Duvauchelle and Guillaume Gouix?

The competition was fierce. Faced with the event saga “Brocéliande” with Nolwenn Leroy on TF1 and the blockbuster “‘L’amour est dans le pré” on M6, 2 completed, this Monday, September 30, 2024, the broadcast of “Fortune de France”. Signed by Christopher Thompson, this adaptation of Robert Merle’s novel interested 1.67 million die-hards on average between 9:02 p.m. and 10:45 p.m., i.e. 8.6% of the public and 3.4% of women responsible for purchases aged under 50. (FRDA-50). Unsurprisingly, this evening was the least attended of the three devoted to the series.

A record of less than 2 million linear viewers

Two weeks earlier, “Fortune de France” had received an encouraging reception. 2.61 million viewers tuned in for the pilot which tells the story of the Soriacs, in the heart of France during the Wars of Religion in the 16th century.

12.6% of viewers present in front of their television that evening had thus become acquainted with the protagonists: the father, Jean de Siorac (Nicolas Duvauchelle), and his friend Jean de Sauveterre (Guillaume Gouix), both Protestant activists, and the mother, Isabelle (Lucie Debay), Catholic, who aspire to live together even though the context is conducive to them tearing each other apart.

Last week, episode 3 of this historic fresco still reached 2 million viewers (1.95 million between 9:05 p.m. and 9:54 p.m.). Result, on average and in watch audiences, the six episodes of “Fortune de France” have therefore won over 1,93 million of linear viewers according to Médiamétrie, i.e. 9,8% ages 4 and up and 4,2% FRDA-50s.

READ ALSO: “Fortune de France”: Sacred at the Fiction Festival, the France 2 back-to-school event series arrives this evening

A score which will increase with the taking into account of the data published in preview – the series was available in full on before its broadcast on France 2 – and on D+8, the post-broadcast period measured by Médiamétrie. For example, first two episodes of “Fortune de France” brought together a total of 3.2 million viewers taking into account all these indicators compared to 2.31 million linearly, a gain of nearly 900,000 viewers.

Manuel Alduy, director of cinema and young adult and international fiction, clarified in a tweet dated September 24, 2024 the distribution between preview and replay winnings. “For ‘Fortune de France’, this adds 430,000 viewers per episode broadcast on the first evening in preview, and 680,000 viewers in replay“, he said.



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