prison sentence required against Magali Berdah

prison sentence required against Magali Berdah
prison sentence required against Magali Berdah

The parquet requested “ 18 months in prisondont six months firm with an electronic bracelet ” against Magali Berdahex-star agent of influencers, judged this Monday, September 30 at court of for “bankruptcy and money laundering” A permanent ban on management was also requested. These requisitions concern “all the facts for which she is being prosecuted”, the prosecution clarified this Tuesday morning, to Argus de l’assurance.

Luxury spending

The facts in the viewfinder of justice date back to 2014 et 2015a period during which Magali Berdah was a broker in the south of . The case concerns the brokerage company Ba & Cocalled Guy l’Assur. Created and officially managed in 2013 by a childhood friend before Magali Berdah’s mother, Patricia Livchitz, was appointed manager, the company collapsed two years later with a passive estimated at more than 2,4 M€.

Concretely, justice suspects Magali Berdah of having been the unofficial manager of the company through which she allegedly engaged in significant financial embezzlement. Of the luxury spending (shoes, clothing, hotels in Monaco) were noted this Monday by the President of the court, without anyone providing any explanation for these purchases.

Magali Berdah presents herself as a simple salesperson

During the hearing, Magali Berdah’s lawyer from Nice, Alexandre De Vitacited by our colleagues from Nice Matin, notably assured to explain the cash flow hole that the brokerage company was torpedoed by theYears of 2015 (1). In her defense, Magali Berdah presented herself as a simple commercial employee within the company. “I was an employee. I brought a ton of contracts to this company with the salespeople that I all trained,” she defended herself at the bar, reports Nice Matin. A different version of the statements made by the person concerned in our columns, in March 2024. She then defined herself as “general director of the company” where “around a hundred employees” were employed.

Suspended prison sentence for the two other defendants

This Monday, the Prosecutor, Sylvie Maillardestimated in his indictment that Magali Berdah was the de facto manager of society. Also prosecuted in this case, her childhood friend remained silent in court while Magali Berdah’s mother did not appear due to health problems. The prosecution requested suspended prison sentences against them. The judgment was placed deliberate. Contacted, Magali Berdah did not respond to our requests.

  1. The national interprofessional agreement (ANI) signed by the social partners in 2013 generalized complementary company health insurance in 2016.



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