Death of Alexeï Navalny: the theory of the poisoning of the Russian opponent relaunched

Death of Alexeï Navalny: the theory of the poisoning of the Russian opponent relaunched
Death of Alexeï Navalny: the theory of the poisoning of the Russian opponent relaunched

Alexei Navalny died on February 16, 2024 in an Arctic prison.

According to an investigation by the Russian media The Insider, which gathered hundreds of documents concerning him, the opponent, then aged 47, was poisoned.

This evidence contradicts the official version, which suggests a natural death.

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Death of Alexei Navalny, fierce opponent of Putin

On Sunday, the Russian investigative media The Insider published a lengthy report on the death of Alexei Navalny, which occurred suddenly on February 16 in an Arctic prison. It appears that, even though the investigative committee had concluded that this death had not “no criminal character”the Russian opponent was probably poisoned, after a first attempt failed a few years earlier.

Overwhelming evidence

Based on several official documents that they were able to consult, the journalists noted that the Russian authorities systematically deleted references to the symptoms from which the prisoner suffered. The final report by Russian investigator Alexander Varapaev makes no reference to it.

However, a first version of the same document gave a radically different version. “On 02.16.2024, while he was in exercise yard No. 2 of the EPKT [unité de logement de type cellule unifiée]the convict AA Navalny felt a sharp deterioration in his state of health”it is indicated. Shortly after “informed the establishment duty officer”the person concerned “laid down on the floor and began to complain of sharp pain in the abdominal area”. He then “began to reflexively eject the contents of his stomach, had convulsions and lost consciousness”, completes the document, which specifies that the incident was “immediately reported to the medical staff of the prison”.

The symptoms can hardly be explained by anything other than poisoning

Alexander Polupan

The symptoms described by Alexander Varapaev in the censored version of his investigation correspond to those of poisoning. It is all the more disturbing and full of meaning that The Insider also retrieved an inventory of “objects seized” at the scene of the death of Vladimir Putin’s former political opponent. The list includes “vomit samples” who were “subject to examination”. However, neither the results of this test nor even the existence of these traces of gastric discharge were mentioned by Moscow.

The observed symptoms do not correspond to the officially declared diagnosis, confirms emergency doctor Alexander Polupan, who treated Navalny at Omsk hospital after the first attempted poisoning of the political figure in 2020. “The official cause of death – a heart rhythm disorder – would in no way explain the symptoms described in the resolution: acute abdominal pain, vomiting or epileptic seizures. The latter can hardly be explained by anything other than poisoning”he points out in the columns of our colleagues, suspecting the use of a “organophosphate agent”.

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All these elements taken together therefore tend to confirm, without leaving too much room for doubt, that the Russian regime concealed the truth about the true circumstances of this death. They also confirm the words of Alexeï Navalny’s widow, Yulia Navalnaya. A few hours after the incident, she declared that “in the last minutes before his death, [Alexei] complained of acute stomach pain”. A version now solidified by solid evidence.




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