a special supplement to raise awareness about breast cancer screening

a special supplement to raise awareness about breast cancer screening
a special supplement to raise awareness about breast cancer screening

This is first of all an opportunity to remind you how essential it is to get tested. “Screening is an opportunity but not all women take advantage of it,” regrets Doctor Caroline Tournoux-Facon in a major interview while the national screening program organized for women aged 50 to 74 has existed for twenty years.

This supplement can be found in the editions of the newspaper “Sud Ouest” dated October 1.

Agency Studio / “Sud West”

The editorial team also went to meet people who raise awareness among all women, care for and support those affected by the disease: midwives for whom “it’s Pink October all year round”, the medical teams of the Institute Bergonié who take stock of the latest treatments, associations like La Maison RoseUp or Jeune & Rose which support patients…

Finally, this supplement looks back in images on the most beautiful associative and citizen mobilizations of recent years in New Aquitaine because, let us not forget, Pink October is above all color, festive and sporting events, for promote breast cancer screening in an original and strong way.



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