one of the accused apologizes

one of the accused apologizes
one of the accused apologizes

“At my daronne’s”

The trial of the photographer’s two alleged attackers, on February 27, 2021 in the Rouge district in , will begin before the juvenile court.

In the dock: a young man who was only 16 years old at the time of the facts, which explains why anonymity remains required. In the accused box: Anes Saïd Khebbeb who was 22.

Initially indicted for attempted aggravated murder, the two accused are charged with the same crimes and offenses: theft preceded or accompanied by violence resulting in permanent disability; and participation in a gathering formed with a view to preparing violence against people or damage to property.

« Where did you live before your placement in pre-trial detention? », asks the president, Emilie Philippe, to Anes Saïd Khebbeb.

– At my sister’she responds spontaneously.

– Of Algerian origin, my client does not know how to express himself fluentlyintervenes on the thread his advice, Me Benoît Cousin. He uses familiar vocabulary, he speaks easily. But this is not a lack of respect for your jurisdiction.

However, try to use the most appropriate words », the president patiently recommends before continuing.

But the time has not yet come for debate. It is in the drawing of lots for the jurors, this preceding the question of the publicity of the trial.

Because the minor has become an adult, the court may decide that the hearing be public. It won’t. She believes that debates should not be.

Curtain. One by one, Christian’s colleagues leave the courtroom bathed in the scent of his favorite perfume.

“My clients are destroyed”

« The facts were examined very preciselyreports at the end of this first day Me Gérard Chemla, who defends the interests of the Lantenois family. This revealed that the attack had only lasted a moment. A few seconds at most. And that the blows delivered had been extraordinarily brutal. »

The younger of the two accused took advantage of a recess to apologize to our fellow photographer in the corridors.

« My clients are destroyed, that’s why they’re not even angry anymore. They are condemned to this new life. From the trial, they only expect one thing: for justice to pass so that a page can be turned, now being on the record of life to come. »

This Tuesday 1is October will be devoted in particular to the testimonies of other young people present during the attack, as well as those of one of our journalists close to Christian Lantenois, as well as Pierre Haski, president of Reporters Without Borders. Christian Lantenois and his wife could also take the stand this Tuesday.

The verdict is expected on Thursday.



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