“it’s relentlessness”, Laurent Jacobelli is indignant

“it’s relentlessness”, Laurent Jacobelli is indignant
“it’s relentlessness”, Laurent Jacobelli is indignant


Martin Leduc

Published on

Sep 30, 2024 at 9:18 a.m.

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This Monday, September 30, 2024, the trial of the RN parliamentary assistants opens, notably involving Marine Le PenLouis Aliot and Julien Odoul. The party founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen is accused of having hired people as parliamentary assistants to RN MEPs. Which would, in fact, have worked for the party on a national scale. .

“This trial will be a moment of truth, during which we will be able to defend these parliamentary collaborators. For us, a collaborator is someone who plays politics and therefore can have an activist role,” explained Laurent Jacobelli, MP and spokesperson for the National Rally at the microphone of franceinfothis Monday morning.

Fictitious jobs?

“There has been no personal enrichment in history: people have been paid to work with European parliamentarians. And in addition, they had political and local functions. It’s normal, it’s a passion,” he continued.

However, the regulations specify that they must work for the MEP, and not for the party. Whereas there, these sums would have been used in particular to pay Jean-Marie Le Pen’s bodyguards at the time.

“Two months ago we presented all our arguments. Marine Le Pen is serene and combative. We will defend our vision of politics. Be patient, we are confident.”

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“You don’t do politics when you’re a bodyguard,” retorted journalist Salhia Brakhlia. A sentence which will have no response other than the invocation of the presumption of innocence.

We are going to prove that there is no system, and that yes, you can be a European parliamentary assistant and get involved in national life.

Laurent Jacobelli
RN spokesperson

Jordan Bardella, not named in the trial, but accused in a book

According to Laurent Jacobelli, the accusations of false evidence and backdated documents against Jordan Bardella in the book The winning machine by Tristan Berteloot are the embodiment of “political fierceness. I did not see the same thing for the Modem (accused of the same facts, Editor’s note).”

As a reminder, François Bayrou, then president of the party, but not an MEP, resigned from his position as Minister of Justice in 2017 after the accusations against him. The head of MoDem was released, but the Prosecutor’s Office appealed.

In our opinion, “Marine Le Pen’s arguments are arguments in good faith. Pronounced ineligibility would be a terrible anti-democratic signal. I am convinced that she will emerge as our candidate for 2027.”

For him, having already repaid what she owed to the European Parliament is “not a sign of guilt”.

The trial is expected to last two months. The president of the RN in the National Assembly risks up to 10 years in prison and a sentence of ineligibility.

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