Marius Guy Sagna victim of an attack from another age in Togo

Marius Guy Sagna victim of an attack from another age in Togo
Marius Guy Sagna victim of an attack from another age in Togo

Lomé (© 2024 Afriquinfos) – While staying in Lomé as part of the activities of the ECOWAS Parliament where he sits, Senegalese MP Guy Marius Sagna was the victim of an attack this Sunday, September 29 and admitted to a clinic.

The parliamentarian was attacked while taking part this Sunday afternoon in a public meeting with the Togolese opposition platform DMP (Dynamic for the Majority of the People), at the latter’s invitation.

The meeting, which was initially to be held in a parish hall, was canceled at the last minute under pressure from the authorities, according to the opposition. The meeting therefore finally took place at the headquarters of the Democratic Convention of African Peoples (CDPA). The meeting began with an introduction from MP Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, but was interrupted by disturbances.

In a viral video, we see the ECOWAS parliamentarian telling the audience that “ Organizing this meeting was a challenge and you met this challenge“. The MP had just time to add that he was African and Togolese, inviting the assembly to sing the Togolese national anthem before things got out of hand.

Muscular individuals reportedly burst into the room and targeted the organizers. Chairs were thrown toward the head table. It started with a first spray, followed by a second, causing general panic.

Chairs were broken, sound equipment and journalists’ recorders were thrown into a well, while cell phones were snatched. The activists then dispersed in confusion. Outside, vehicle windows were broken with concrete blocks.

The deputy Guy Marius Sagna, member of the Senegalese parliament dissolved on September 12, was particularly targeted. He suffered injuries to his head and arm and was carried on a man’s back to a nearby clinic for treatment.

Seven injured

When he left the hospital, the member of the ECOWAS parliament spoke about this mishap. He points the finger at the regime in place.

‘’People from Faure Eyadema’s regime paid thugs to come and beat, attack and perhaps even assassinate Togolese people, deputies in the National Assembly of Togo and deputies in the ECOWAS parliament. This is extremely serious”, insisted Mr. Sagna as he left the hospital.

For him, this is an illustration of the situation that prevails in Togo today: “This means that if we are capable of attacking an ECOWAS deputy who has two immunities (a Senegalese immunity and an ECOWAS immunity), what are we then doing to Togolese citizens? What we must remember from today’s violence is that all Togolese people are on borrowed time.»,

Guy Marius Sagna explains:‘They hit me like a football. They beat us with these chairs, they punched us, they kicked us. They did not even hesitate to beat the Togolese MP who is their mother’s age. This is extremely serious», Regrets the parliamentarian.

‘’ They asked me: “Are you Togolese?” » As if they were reproaching me for claiming my togolity. Today, more than ever, despite this violence, I remain Togolese and I will be with the valiant Togolese people until the power in place respects its citizens.’’

‘ECOWAS must no longer turn its gaze and bury its head in the sand in relation to what is happening in Togo. It’s extremely serious, it’s extremely dangerous. I strongly denounce what happened today. ‘, he said.

In addition to the parliamentarian, there are at least seven injured, including Brigitte Adjamagbo-Johnson, president of the DMP, her driver, a journalist from a local radio.

For the moment, the authorities of the two countries have not yet reacted.




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