Marine Le Pen on the front line at the trial of FN MEPs

Marine Le Pen on the front line at the trial of FN MEPs
Marine Le Pen on the front line at the trial of FN MEPs

Offensive upon return from summer vacation, influential in the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon; Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Rally (RN), will have, from this Monday, September 30, to navigate between the benches of the National Assembly and those of the court where the trial of the MEPs of the FN, accused of embezzlement of European funds.

She could favor certain key events at the Palais Bourbon, such as Michel Barnier’s general policy declaration on Tuesday 1is October, but made it known that she intended to face the judges as much as possible (up to three half-days per week).

The fate of the natural candidate of the RN for the presidential election will be scrutinized

From the newspaper The Parisianthe far-right leader justified her desire to spend time in court: “as former president of the FN-RN and the group in the European Parliament, I have an overall vision that others do not have”.

A crucial attitude internally. When asked if he fears the outcome of the trial, an RN deputy reflects and then confides: “When I don’t perceive any worry in Marine, I’m not worried. »

She is “only” one of the 25 defendants but it is the fate of the natural candidate of the RN for the presidential election which will be scrutinized by her friends and even more so by her opponents. Especially since the decision is not expected before the end of 2024-beginning of 2025. And this would be likely to be the subject of an appeal.

Alleged misappropriation of European funds

If any sentence would be politically damaging – the highest incurred is ten years of imprisonment – ​​it is above all a sentence of ineligibility which would cast a shadow on her path, her presence in the second round of the next presidential election is already considered almost acquired by its adversaries: “in 2027, the question will be whether Le Pen will become president”underlines a frame on the left.

At the heart of the case: alleged embezzlement of European funds between 2004 and 2016. The defendants are suspected of having set up a system of remuneration by the EU for assistants to MEPs of the FN (now RN). They would have actually worked solely or partly for the FN, allowing it substantial salary savings. Parliament assessed its financial damage at 3 million euros, one million having already been reimbursed (which is not an admission of guilt, the RN assured).

Marine Le Pen, targeted for embezzlement of public funds and complicity, has always rejected these accusations.

Accusations rejected by Marine Le Pen

“She will take this trial head on to demonstrate all the lies and trials that are being made to the RN by the European Union which cannot stand that we contest its functioning”promised Sébastien Chenu, deputy and vice-president of the party. But even in the event of ultimate acquittal, the sequence will have cast a shadow over the return of the RN, in full internal reorganization with a view to upcoming legislative elections, anticipated or not.

“Of course it’s more uncomfortable to campaign when you’re convicted, but you can also be acquitted, and that’s a jackpot”thinks an RN deputy.

“The affairs of the other parties benefit the FN-RN, but the affairs of the FN-RN do not benefit the other parties”observes Sylvain Crépon, lecturer in political science. As for Nonna Mayer, political science researcher, she believes that “each time we attack the party or its leaders it allows it to pose as a victim, it does not always have to be written off.”

A position shared by RN executives. “The lawsuits brought against us have never slowed us down”assures one of them.



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