After recently launching its Android XR extended reality (XR) platform, Google is accelerating in the field. The web giant, which is working on a new headset in collaboration with Samsung, announced the acquisition of part of HTC’s XR activity for $250 million.
“Today we signed an agreement to welcome part of the HTC VIVE engineering team to Google, subject to customary closing conditions. This is an incredibly strong technical team with a proven track record in VR, and we look forward to working with them to accelerate the development of the Android XR platform in the headset and glasses ecosystem. , Google said in a short post on its blog. In addition to the transfer of part of HTC’s staff to Google, the agreement provides for the granting of non-exclusive intellectual property rights, according to the Taiwanese firm. HTC will retain the rights to use and develop the technology, explains the specialist site TechCrunch.