Licensed for boycotting the plane, a researcher obtains a court compensation

Italian researcher Gianluca Grimalda, on the border between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, November 3, 2023. Gianluca Grimalda

He is known as the first employee dismissed for boycotting the plane. Gianluca Grimalda, an Italian researcher in social psychology, had refused to take a flight to return from a scientific mission in Papua New Guinea, in order to reduce his greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, he had traveled 28,000 kilometers by train, cargo, ferry and car, a trip of sixty-two days across 16 countries, to join the German city of Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein), where he worked. This decision cost him his post at the Institute for the World Economy (IFW).

Readacted in October 2023, the 53 -year -old scientist initiated a legal action for abusive dismissal. After losing at first instance, he has just obtained a “Half there”he welcomes himself. On January 10, Gianluca Grimalda and his former employer accepted the agreement proposed by the Kiel Labor Court: the Institute will compensate the researcher, but without rehiring him, due to a “Incompatibility of ideological convictions of the parties”. The exact amount of the starting indemnity has not been disclosed, a confidentiality agreement obliges, but Gianluca Grimalda has already announced that it would pay part – 75,000 euros – to environmental associations.


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