The observation of Bernadette Mbeng Ekorezok, retired school and university administrator and secretary general of the Forum of Women Educators, Gabon section (Fawe-Gabon) is clear: “Despite the balance in schooling between girls and boys, at the level of many countries, the various reports, both national and international, point out an underpresence of women in science and technology professions.“. A state of affairs which does not spare Gabon with fewer and fewer female candidates for scientific baccalaureates.
We must therefore act. Also Fawe-Gabon is implementing a capacity building program entitled, “Science, girls, we can“. It’s about “support groups of girls in scientific and technological subjects with a view to leading them without complexes towards professions considered to be the prerogative of men“, explains Ms. Mbeng Ekorezok.
The program launched last Saturday at the Ba-Oumar high school in Libreville brought together parents, students, but especially women in science. These inspiring models shared their journeys, their challenges, their victories, their passion. Enough to say in the most beautiful way to the young girls present that they too can achieve it. Result of the races: many left the room full of new ambitions.
-For this pilot phase, the initiative concerns 120 young volunteers from 4th and 2nd grade classes, from Ba-Oumar high school, CES Bas de Gué-Gué and Diba-Diba high school. The activities will be held every Saturday at Ba-Oumar high school.
“We support these classes because they are pivotal in the girls’ further studies.“, specified for her part Marie-Constance Zeng Ebome, president of Fawe.