Meta indicated on Tuesday that WhatsApp would be integrated into the group’s Accounts Center service, which allows you to connect and manage accounts on Meta’s different platforms, i.e. Facebook and Instagram, since 2020. Thanks to this integration, users of the messaging and audio/video calling app will be able to share their WhatsApp statuses directly on Instagram and Facebook. This will avoid them having to publish this ephemeral content, visible for 24 hours, separately on each platform.
Another major feature of this integration is single sign-on. Users will be able to reconnect to WhatsApp using a unique identifier linked to their other accounts, thus simplifying access to these different services. Other features are planned to arrive in the Accounts Area, such as the ability to manage avatars, Meta AI stickers and Imagine Me creations directly from this centralized space.
Meta, which recently announced the launch of a new app linked to Instagramspecifies that adding WhatsApp to the Accounts Area will remain optional and will be deactivated by default. This deployment will apply to the whole world, but “it will take time to implement it everywhere”, indicates Meta on his blog. Finally, the group recalls that messages and calls will remain end-to-end encrypted.