Apple Vision Pro App Store gets a rebrand with visionOS 1.2

Apple Vision Pro App Store gets a rebrand with visionOS 1.2
Apple Vision Pro App Store gets a rebrand with visionOS 1.2

visionOS 2 has just been released, but a new feature of choice has just been announced for visionOS 1.2, this time available in final version. The new version allows editors to offer paid services without the user having to pay the amount through the App StoreIn other words, developers no longer have to necessarily pay 30% commission to Apple, which is mandatory for transactions integrated into the operating system.

We don’t know yet if some app creators have been able to take advantage of this new feature, for the moment. But in theory, this change could mean a significant loss of revenue for Apple. Indeed, we know that the Vision Pro currently costs 3,999 euros in metropolitan France, dedicated therefore to the most well-stocked wallets. This is how the visionOS App Store often puts the spotlight on fairly expensive platforms.

Only in a few countries

For now, this change to the App Store for visionOS is only valid within the European Union. And for good reason: there, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) requires GAFAM to offer more room to maneuver to the competition. This takes the form, in some cases, of opening up proprietary online app stores to third-party payment methods. The App Stores for iOS and iPads are particularly affected.

However, it seems that this is not the case for the App Store for Apple Vision Pro, as its number of users is too small to fall under the Digital Markets Act. This information remains to be confirmed, however; feel free to enlighten us in the comments if you know more.

Note, moreover, that using a third-party payment method on the App Store also often allows you to benefit from a discount. This doesn’t always match Apple’s 30% commission exactly, but it’s usually close.

Other changes for visionOS 1.2

visionOS 1.2 brings many other changes, in addition to the arrival of alternative payment solutions on the App Store. These include the validation of contact keys for iMessage. The EyeSight feature has also been updated.

  • The App Store for visionOS gets updated with visionOS 1.2
  • Developers can now offer in-app purchases without going through the App Store
  • This means that publishers are not required to pay Apple a 30% commission on these transactions. – Official App

Par : Keleops AG



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