End of infinite scrolling on the search engine

End of infinite scrolling on the search engine
End of infinite scrolling on the search engine
Infinite scrolling on Google is over. Introduced in 2021 on mobile and in December 2022 on computers, this system of displaying new search results as you scroll will be removed from the company’s search engine, reports the website Search Engine Land.

Google began removing infinite scroll on the desktop version of its search engine on Tuesday, June 25, a company spokesperson told the site. The company plans to do so on the mobile version in the coming months. The change marks the end of a feature that was intended to make it easier toaccess to more search results without having to click through to subsequent pages.

However, theUser experience and feedback have prompted Google to return to a more traditional format. The removal of infinite scroll means users will once again have to navigate through numbered pages to access search results beyond the first page. This move could impact the way people search for and find information, and potentially affect the visibility of websites beyond the first results.

With this change, users will find the classic Google pagination bar at the bottom of the page. On desktop, they will be prompted to click on a specific page of search results or “Next” to go to the next page. On mobile, they will see a “More results” button, which will load the next page.

Google says the change is a way to allow it to “return results faster for more searches, instead of automatically loading results that users haven’t explicitly requested.”

Google is thus seeking to improve the performance of its search engine, reduce page loading times, and offer a more structured and controllable experience for users. The changes planned for the mobile version, coming in the coming months, will follow this same logic, thus allowing a consistent search experience on all platforms.



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