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Apple plans its big updates for 2025

Apple plans its big updates for 2025
Apple plans its big updates for 2025

The excitement does not weaken at Apple, and the 2025 horizon already promises to be full of promise. Mark Gurman, journalist at Bloombergrevealed some details about the company’s plans yesterday in its successful newsletter Power On. He reveals that Apple has already started the development process for its flagship operating systems for next year.

Evocative code names are already circulating for all the OSes in the Cupertino ecosystem. This strategic anticipation, even though the versions of iOS 18 and macOS 15 Sequoia are still in the beta phase, demonstrates Apple’s desire to ensure the maturity of its future iterations within the allotted time.

Mysterious code names

According to Gurman’s revelations, each new software version is given an enigmatic code name. Thus, iOS 19 is given the nickname “Luck”, while macOS 16 has the sweet name of “Cheer”. For watchOS 12, it will be “Nepali” and “Discovery” for visionOS 3.

Although Cook’s firm is still keeping the details of these updates a mystery, its proven strategy is to test its new hardware creations with the software in progress, thus guaranteeing a perfect symbiosis between hardware and software from their launch. This approach to anticipatory development is anchored in Apple’s DNA. It not only makes it possible to anticipate user aspirations, but also to refine each functionality before it is put on the market.

visionOS 3: the future of VR/AR with Apple’s twist

At the heart of future innovations, visionOS 3 is inevitably eagerly awaited. The Apple Vision Pro, expected to integrate Apple Intelligence next year, could well take advantage of these software advances worthy of a real sci-fi film. According to Gurman, this system will become increasingly important for the brand and will certainly be a pillar of its future products and business.

The engineering teams, particularly those in charge of the user interface, nevertheless still have work to do to ensure that Apple Intelligence is correctly integrated into a virtual mixed reality environment. Given the expected performance for the Vision Pro, This should go smoothly without too many problems.. The fusion between VR/AR and artificial intelligence made in Apple promises to be Dantesque.

While waiting to dive headlong into the virtual worlds of Apple’s super headset next month, the public beta versions of macOS 15 Sequoia, iOS 18, visionOS 2 and watchOS 11 should logically be available. Enough to keep you waiting patiently before their release, normally scheduled for the fall.

  • Apple is already working on iOS 19, macOS 16, watchOS 12 and visionOS 3 for 2025.
  • According to Gurman, the future versions are codenamed “Luck”, “Cheer”, “Nepali” and “Discovery” respectively.
  • visionOS 3, in particular, is eagerly awaited for its advances in virtual and augmented reality, integrating with it Apple Intelligence. – Official App

Par : Keleops AG



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