Rethinking scenographies to limit the environmental impact of live shows

Rethinking scenographies to limit the environmental impact of live shows
Rethinking scenographies to limit the environmental impact of live shows

The cultural field is faced with a dual challenge of preserving the richness of its production and taking into account environmental constraints. Live performance structures are becoming aware of their significant consumption of resources, even though their production is, by definition, temporary. The climate challenge therefore calls on them to rethink the entire life cycle of their productions, in order to move from an ephemeral vision to a long-term vision. Use of more environmentally friendly materials, extension of the lifespan of elements, reuse: there are many levers and cultural actors are seizing them in order to reduce their environmental footprint.

The Ecothèque des Augures: a networking tool to promote eco-design

Augures Lab Scénogrrrraphie is a collaborative program that aims to support ecoscenography in live performance. It brings together different actors from the artistic sector (scenographers, artists, members of institutions, etc.) to enable them to acquire skills through practice and exchange. On March 29, Augures Lab Scénogrrrraphie launched its Ecothèque, a collaborative platform referencing inspiring projects, materials and best practices. The platform provides professionals with a variety of tools: putting them in contact with actors in the circular economy, highlighting ecoscenography projects, materials and techniques that respect the environment, etc. These resources come from recommendations from the platform’s subscribers, whether they are material manufacturers, scenographers or reuse actors.

Pool to limit the environmental impact of scenography: the example of the 17h25 collective.

Bringing together the Aix-en-Provence Festival, the Lyon Opera, the Théâtre du Châtelet, the Paris Opera and the Théâtre de la Monnaie (Brussels), the 17h25 collective works on the eco-design of sets. Decorators and directors work together to develop standard decor elements that can be reused by everyone. The collective strives to choose the least impactful solutions for both the environment and the health of staff: it is with this in mind that screws are preferred to glue. The project makes it possible to reduce the consumption of resources, the quantity of waste, the impact of transport but also the storage volumes and the financial cost of a show. Well aware that not all structures can engage in a similar approach, the collective wishes to eventually publish the plans of the structures created under a free license: enough to allow small structures to take charge of ecological issues!

Two projects supported by Green Alternatives

As part of the France 2030 plan, the Ministry of Culture and the General Secretariat for Investment have launched the Alternatives Vertes call for projects, intended to accelerate the ecological transition of cultural businesses. The Ecothèque des Augures and the 17h25 collective were supported as part of the first call for projects, dating from 2021. A second call for projects is underway and the last wave of applications will close on December 31, 2024.



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