Honor Magic V3: an ultra-thin foldable smartphone to compete with the Asian giants of the market

Honor Magic V3: an ultra-thin foldable smartphone to compete with the Asian giants of the market
Honor Magic V3: an ultra-thin foldable smartphone to compete with the Asian giants of the market

The Honor Magic V3 teased

© Honor

With its Honor Magic range, the Chinese firm has established itself as a competitor not to be underestimated in the war between Asian giants in the foldable smartphone market. To differentiate itself, Honor has made a point of delivering the thinnest foldable model possible, a goal largely achieved last year with its Magic V2 and its 9.90 millimeters thickness when closed.

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To compare with the most popular foldable models on the market, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 is 13.4 millimeters thick, the OnePlus Open reaches 11.7 millimeters and the new Motorola Razr 50 Ultra exceeds 14 millimeters when closed. In other words, no other company has been able to offer a model as thin since the Magic V2 was released, and Honor intends to maintain this position on the market with its new model, the Magic V3, which the company is teasing today via a press release on the Chinese social platform Weibo.

The Honor Magic V2 reaches 9.90 millimeters

© Honor

The thinnest foldable smartphone

For a few years now, it has been clear that in terms of form, the current leader in the foldable smartphone market, Samsung, has somewhat rested on its laurels. Iterations follow one another and are similar, and it is the competition (mainly Chinese) that has the luxury of experimenting. In a post on the social network Weibo, Honor teases its next model, the Honor Magic V3, describing it as a “ultra-thin foldable smartphone which will offer new horizons to foldable and slimming“.

In the same post, Honor also shared an image that allows us to compare it to the Magic V2: the difference is quite striking, and based on the image, the model could well be less than 8 millimeters thick, which would make it as thick as an iPhone 15. There is no doubt that this small size calls for certain compromises, however (especially in terms of the battery), it remains to be seen what decisions have been made by the Chinese firm for the construction of its hardware. The Honor Magic V3 should be presented very soon for marketing this year in China.

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