Google makes a change in search results

by Florian Callens
published on Wednesday June 26, 2024 has 17:08
2 min read

Google is abandoning “infinite scrolling” of search results. Now you will be able to manually click again to go to the next page. This change is effective immediately on desktop and will also be implemented for mobile search later.

In the news : Google reversed an adjustment made a few years ago. In October 2021, infinite scroll was introduced to mobile search results, and in December 2022, this layout was also applied to desktop search results. Now the company is returning to the manual clicking system to see more search results, well known for the long “Gooooooooogle” at the bottom of the results. This change was confirmed by a Google spokesperson itself to the website Search Engine Land.

  • This new – or old – system has been reintroduced since June 25 for those who use Google on a desktop computer. On smartphones and tablets, the adjustment will be made “in the coming months”.

Faster and better

Google gives two reasons for this change:

  1. Search results would generally be displayed much faster with the manual click-to-next page system.
  2. Google also found that showing new search results infinitely did not improve user satisfaction.


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