streamer Dr Disrespect explains his spectacular ban from Twitch

streamer Dr Disrespect explains his spectacular ban from Twitch
streamer Dr Disrespect explains his spectacular ban from Twitch

After several days of rumors and revelations, we know the reasons for the banning of Dr Disrespect, who was for a long time one of the biggest streamers on Twitch.

For the past week, Guy Beahm, aka Dr Disrespect, a streamer known for the whimsical character he plays, has been the subject of new rumors and revelations concerning the reasons for his ban from Twitch in 2022. At the time, the videographer had been banned from the platform without knowing the reason, fueling speculation. He had also signed a non-disclosure clause with the streaming platform, preventing him from explaining himself.

But on June 23, Dr Disrespect was the subject of revelations made by supposed former Twitch employees. In these messages (ex-Twitter), it is explained that the streamer would have had sexual exchanges with minors.

Four minors contacted via Twitch

Although the person concerned initially denied the facts, a Bloomberg article reporting that four minors had been contacted finally prompted Dr Disrespect to explain himself and confirm that he had indeed made “inappropriate” comments with some of his underage viewers.

On explains that he is making this statement, despite having signed a non-disclosure clause, because “two former Twitch employees have publicly disclosed the accusations” and that he wants to “tell [sa] version of the story.

“Were there any private messages on Twitch with a minor in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages? The answer is no. These were informal, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned a little too much towards the inappropriate side, but nothing more,” he explains.

He claims “nothing illegal” happened: “No photos were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met him.” However, the exchanges gave rise to civil proceedings with Twitch, followed by an agreement between the two parties.

“I am neither a predator nor a pedophile”

He explains that he is “neither a predator”, “nor a pedophile”, however refusing to say more about the content of the comments shared in a private message. Now operating on Youtube, Dr Disrespect was nevertheless caught in the act of modifying his publication, undermining his “apologies”.

For a time, he deleted any reference to an exchange with a “minor”, before the community notes came to remind him, pushing him to modify his publication again to include this information.

Separately, Dr Disrespect was fired by his studio, Midnight Society, which he co-founded: “We are immediately terminating our relationship with [Dr Disrespect]. While these facts are difficult to hear and even harder to accept, it is our duty to act with dignity on behalf of everyone involved, especially the 51 developers and loved ones we employ, as well as the gaming community .”

The Twitch platform has not yet communicated on the subject. According to information from Tech&Co, it does not plan to do so precisely because of the agreement signed between the platform and Dr Disrespect in 2023.

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