Atlantis the Immersive Expedition: our test of the immersive theater experience at the Bateau Phare

A clandestine auction around treasures from Atlantis, what do you think? This is what TADA offers you! Immersive with its new theatrical adventure, Atlantis: The Immersive Expedition. Embark aboard the Bateau Phare to experience an unforgettable evening filled with mysteries, treasures and decisive choices, for performances on July 6 and 13, 2024, then at the start of the school year, in September and October!

Notice to fans of immersive theater ! After the Bus Express, Perpetual Christmas et Afterlife, TADA! Immersive returns with a new creation, Atlantis: The immersive expedition, Saturdays June 15 and 22, as well as July 6 and 13, 2024, then at the start of the school year, in September and October (more precise dates to come). This experience of immersive theater awaits you aboard the Lighthouse Boata barge located in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, and promises to immerse you in the heart of an extraordinary interactive adventure.

Trailer for the Atlantis experience – The immersive expedition:

Atlantis: The immersive expedition invites you to participate in the most incredible clandestine sale ever organized. After six years of exploration into the depths ofAtlantis, the lightship finally emerges, its crew ready to share their treasures and epic tales. Join a colorful crew of archaeologists, crooked smugglers, intrepid sailors and a charismatic captain. You will be at the heart of the action, confronted with decisive choices that will influence the course of history.

Inspired by the stories of Jules Verne and adventures ofIndiana Jones, this interactive experience will challenge you with crucial decisions: seal an alliance with a smuggler, help the archaeologist and his assistant, spy on secret conversations, or steal priceless treasures. Each decision made by participants unlocks unique scenes, creating a personalized and captivating adventure.

Atlantis the Immersive Expedition: our test of the immersive theater experience at the Bateau Phare

With performances lasting 1h30, this adventure is designed to accommodate up to 50 participants simultaneously, allowing total immersion in the mysterious world ofAtlantis. Suitable for adults and young people aged 10 and over, this experience promises memorable moments with friends or family.

Our test of the Atlantide immersive theater experience – The Immersive Expedition:

An experience that the editorial team was able to discover… And as usual, TADA! Immersive here is a lovely adventure, full of twists and turns, and above all interaction! Upon arrival, the charismatic capitaine Swann gives you a few tickets to bid on, as well as a table, just to spice things up. You are then greeted by the rest of the crew who will tell you their story and invite you to have a drink at the bar while waiting for all the guests to be there.

As for us, we were welcomed by the archaeologist of the group who, with his assistant, by radio, told us about the objects discovered in the depths of theAtlantis and put up for auction today. Then the captain allowed us to take a look at the artifacts on sale, and then directed us to the chef who offered us to double the stake by playing dice… Each character has its own interaction. And for the rest of the adventure, we won’t tell you more, since many twists and turns await you!

Regarding the experience itself, it’s very fun and the Lighthouse Boat lends itself well to adventure due to its configuration. The sets, quite simple, particularly highlight the acting of the actors, allowing us to concentrate on what makes this experience so successful… Because this is the strong point of the adventure: a real theater experience highlighting the talent of the actors. So yes, you interact, but it is to better enjoy several moments of pure theater, very well included in the experience. At the end, a “moral” coming almost from beyond the grave, and ending this adventure in style. We come out of there with a big smile, and that’s all that matters!

Allow a good hour and a half, or even two hours, for an adventure that is worth a look (and its weight in gold, if you have followed the plot of the experience a little…). To discover, therefore, for all fans of immersive theater.

Come experience an interactive evening where each interaction with the actors, experts in improvisation, will contribute to writing history in real time. And don’t forget to take advantage of the open bar during the show for an even more immersive experience. All you have to do is book!

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