An App to convert voice to text locally using AI with ScriptAI

An App to convert voice to text locally using AI with ScriptAI
An App to convert voice to text locally using AI with ScriptAI
Thanks to the power of iPhones, Apple Silicon chips and Apple’s advances in AI and ML, local on-device transcription with ScriptAI brings many advantages:

100% private : Transcription templates work natively on the iPhone, so no data leaves the iPhone. And for smart notes, only the latest and most secure GPT-4o model is used.
Very fast transcription with unrivaled precision : Thanks to the Whisper models which have been optimized by Argmax (a box set up by Apple ML veterans) by taking advantage of Apple Core ML, we can run Whisper transcription models locally, offering very good quality on everything very quickly (it depends on the iPhone model), and without costs.
So we don’t need to wait for Apple Intelligence, which will be released later this year and, from what I understand, not in France!
And no need for an iPhone 15 Pro! It’s still quite incredible to be able to run the best transcription model, Large V3, on a simple iPhone 14!
Please note, you still need to have at least an iPhone 12.
A great app : Compared to previous tedious and privacy-compromising solutions, where one had to use and pay for multiple apps and services (like Gladia, ChatGPT, etc.), juggle between devices, waste time, ScriptAI is an all-in-one solution. practical and reliable in one.

ScriptAI is free to download, with unlimited transcriptions.
Exclusive features, such as Smart Actions (summaries, etc.) or smart titles on transcriptions, are available for only €4.99 per month. You can also add your own OpenAI key if you do not wish to subscribe.

Regarding The roadmapI am currently developing the version for Mac, and I plan to add several small features/improve the current version, with for example the diarization of the speakers, the possibility for those who do not have an iPhone powerful enough to use the API version of Whisper, etc.



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