Marquette-lez-Lille: a big geek and pop culture show at Brad’Way this Saturday

Marquette-lez-Lille: a big geek and pop culture show at Brad’Way this Saturday
Marquette-lez-Lille: a big geek and pop culture show at Brad’Way this Saturday


Nicolas Demollien

Published on

June 19, 2024 at 1:10 p.m.

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Do you like video games, Pokémon cards and other manga or Playmobil figurines? So don’t miss it geek and pop culture lounge organized this Saturday June 22, 2024 at Marquette-lez-Lille (North) ! This will take place at Brad’Way from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Program.

What awaits you at the geek and pop culture fair in Marquette-lez-Lille

This will be the fourth edition of this event, the success of which cannot be denied. It must be said that the choice on site is wide and varied with the presence of professional and private exhibitors.

You will thus find video games, retrogaming, Pokémon cardsfigurines, manga or Playmobil.

All “with prices accessible to all“, promise those responsible for the brand.

And he insists: “Whether you are looking for the missing piece to complete your collection or simply want to discover new gems, you are sure to make exceptional finds.”

Videos: currently on Actu

Brad’Way is located in the innovation park, at 187 rue de Menin in Marquette-lez-Lille (between Basic Fit and Trampoline Park). Free admission.

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