Microsoft’s own goal: unintentionally revealing the benefits of the local account on Windows 11

Microsoft’s own goal: unintentionally revealing the benefits of the local account on Windows 11
Microsoft’s own goal: unintentionally revealing the benefits of the local account on Windows 11
Not all users know that in Windows 11 it is also possible to log in via a local account. Of course, Microsoft recommends using a Microsoft account. In this sense, recently a company support page illustrated the advantages of switching from a local account to a Microsoft account. Among the advantages, by choosing a local account, the user gives up certain important functions for those who intend to fully exploit the Microsoft ecosystem. There’s no shortage of security benefits either, as well as the ability to sync files between devices and export custom settings to other PCs. In short, several advantages even if, reading the document in question with some attention, it would seem that Microsoft was inadvertently explaining to users the advantages of using a local account. For example, a local account is created on the device and does not require an Internet connection to log in. Additionally, it is independent of other services and is not connected to the cloud.

In fact, settings, files and applications are limited to this device only. The Microsoft account is, however, associated with an email and a password that are also useful for Hotmail, Office, OneDrive, etc. When you log in to a PC with a Microsoft account, you are connecting to a Microsoft cloud service and therefore your settings and files can sync across other devices. In short, the reasons why you should use a Microsoft account may also represent the reasons to use a local account. For example, those who do not intend to connect their profile to Microsoft applications or those who do not have an Internet connection could opt for the latter solution. Additionally, using a local account – which does not require an internet connection – further reduces the risk of data theft. Therefore, Microsoft’s support page runs the risk of turning into an “own goal”, i.e. convincing users to bypass the creation of a Microsoft account.



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