In Langon, the radio show “Les Bonnes Ondes” comes to record in public

In Langon, the radio show “Les Bonnes Ondes” comes to record in public
In Langon, the radio show “Les Bonnes Ondes” comes to record in public


Bernard Peyré

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 11:50 a.m.

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“The Good Waves”, traveling radio show of Let’s laugh and the territorial autonomy team of South Gironde will record a public broadcast on Tuesday June 18, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the François-Mauriac room, at the Carmes cultural center in Langon (Gironde) on the theme: “Facing vulnerability: protective measures to support its close “.

On site, information and resources, photographic and sound exhibition: “Being a caregiver: what is it? » Drinks and treats will be offered.

The guests of the show

The show invited:

  • The territorial autonomy team Territorial Solidarity Center of South Gironde
  • A APA assessor (Personalized Autonomy Allowance)
  • A CLIC coordinator for South Gironde (Local Gerontological Information and Coordination Center), psychologist
  • There PIST 33 platform with Ms. Fairise Pascal: director of the PRADO ASAP legal representative service
  • Jean Louis Cazenove : family skills and caring for his wife
Videos: currently on Actu

The broadcast built with the territorial autonomy team which notes on the ground, how much the protective measures are often addressed by caregivers will take place in 3 parts:

  • Protective measures, for whom? For what ?
  • What are the different measures depending on the situation?
  • How is a protection measure exercised?

The public recording will then be available as a podcast on all listening platforms: Deezer, Spotify, YouTube, Apple podcast…under the name Les Bonnes Ondes: the show for caregivers

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