Ademe launches its “Act Pas-à-Pas” program to train companies in decarbonization

Ademe launches its “Act Pas-à-Pas” program to train companies in decarbonization
Ademe launches its “Act Pas-à-Pas” program to train companies in decarbonization

The Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe) announced the launch of its “Act Pas-à-Pas” program, in partnership with the company WeCount and the Union of Textile Industries (UIT). This training, which will be held over twelve months, from November 2024 to October 2025, is aimed at French textile and clothing companies wishing to develop a climate strategy.

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The objective? Structuring the transition of the company and its activities towards a low carbon strategy: “The implementation of a low carbon strategy is the main objective of Act Pas-à-Pas. This requires first of all that the “the company has in-depth knowledge of its impacts on climate change, of the actions it is already taking and their effectiveness, but also of the issues concerning it, with regard to climate change”, reports one of the spokespersons for the company. ‘Ademe.

Companies will benefit from three tools to develop their strategy. The first, entitled “Progression grid”, allows you to compare the company’s maturity on different subjects and to know the best practices to adopt at each stage of its progress.

The second, “Carbon performance toolbox”, allows the company to set targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions based on recognized reference trajectories. Finally, the “Strategy Toolbox” will guide it during its strategic reflections such as the construction of an action plan.

In addition to these tools, the program will be deployed in five stages (initial situation, issues and challenges, vision, new strategy and action plan) and fifteen sub-stages to follow each phase of the company’s evolution.

During the year, four workshops will be set up, bringing together all participating companies, to share their progress or their action plans.

To register, the company must have a Siret in France and have carried out a greenhouse gas emissions report dating back less than two years or have completed it at the time of the launch of the project.

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