when the parish festivals of Arbrissel unleashed the crowds

when the parish festivals of Arbrissel unleashed the crowds
when the parish festivals of Arbrissel unleashed the crowds

“There was an exceptional atmosphere. People came from everywhere. It was huge! “, says very moved, the one who now lives in Visseiche, south-east of Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). Jean Meneust, 93 years old, was at that time “the conductor of these parish festivals” describes his surroundings. They were organized at the end of August, beginning of September, from the end of the 1960s until 1975, in the small village of Arbrissel, not far from there. “They were incredibly successful,” he remembers today.

“We had to find money”

“At the time, the town needed money to finance work: the roof of the presbytery needed to be redone, toilets had to be installed at the school, etc. says Jean Meneust. We also needed to drain and level land near the church which was very marshy. But no one could handle it. We had to find money. »

The town then had 320 inhabitants, 120 of them living in the town. For “find money”, They have the idea of ​​organizing a party. The first took place in 1967. Entrance costs 1 franc. 1,500 tickets were already sold that year. Ball trap, pancake and pancake stands, refreshment bar, children’s parade dressed with crepe paper, donkey rides, wrestling match… A lot of good-natured entertainment is organized.



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