how Elon Musk wants to save humanity – La Nouvelle Tribune

how Elon Musk wants to save humanity – La Nouvelle Tribune
how Elon Musk wants to save humanity – La Nouvelle Tribune

Strongly criticized by many, in particular for its numerous predictions which did not come true or for having taken the time to rewrite part of its history, Elon Musk continues to work on projects that fascinate him. And the future of Humanity is perhaps the one that arouses the most envy in him.

And if there is a solution that can allow everyone to save themselves, it is that of “space ark”. This project was actually announced by the teams You’re here, few years ago. Its objective will be to allow those who wish and are able to embark on a journey towards Mars, a planet that he absolutely wishes to discover and colonize.

Elon Musk has a project for Humanity

And according to him, time is running out. Indeed, he believes that the world is on the brink of an abyss, particularly because of the strong international tensions affecting the world. Indeed, the nuclear argument is used more and more, especially by the Russia and the North Korea, who do not hesitate to brandish threats in the event of annoyance. Thus, faced with risk, Musk hopes to be able to provide a fallback solution.

And it is therefore on Mars that he hopes that Humanity will be able to establish itself, by establishing a colony there which will be capable of developing a new civilization, more humane, more peaceful. A more or less secret project, which the American billionaire at the head of You’re herebut also SpaceX, Neuralink or X has already mentioned in public, without really going into detail.

Life on Mars, not that simple

Still, life on Mars is not the simplest. A lot of work must therefore be carried out to ensure the capacity to produce food on site, particularly in terms of terraforming. It will also be necessary to manage temperatures, oxygen and even water supply. So many questions which, if not answered quickly enough, could prevent this project from happening.



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