Pyrenees – New cyber malicious technique: Beware of false error messages

Pyrenees – New cyber malicious technique: Beware of false error messages
Pyrenees – New cyber malicious technique: Beware of false error messages

Be careful, a new scam has just hit the web and it’s more cunning than a fox in a henhouse! Cyber ​​criminals are now using alarming error messages to trick you into thinking your computer is infected. The goal ? Push you to contact fraudulent technical support. Let’s discover together residents of the Hautes-Pyrénées this scam in six steps and how to avoid it, while keeping a smile.

Scammers are doubling their ingenuity to deceive Internet users in France and this phenomenon should not escape the inhabitants of the Hautes-Pyrénées. A new cyber malware technique has recently emerged: hackers use alarming error messages indicating that your computer is infected and urging you to contact fraudulent technical support.

The modus operandi of the criminals

1. Preparation

Criminals group together in organized call centers, mass-disseminating fraudulent messages to trap potential victims. Their goal is to create a sense of urgency and panic in the user, pushing them to act quickly without thinking.

2. Alert message

When a user browses the internet in the usual way, a malicious window suddenly appears. This window indicates that the computer is infected with a virus or malware, thus reinforcing the feeling of panic.

3. Fraudulent phone number

The malicious window displays a phone number to contact for seemingly legitimate IT support. This number links directly to a call center controlled by the scammers.

4. Contact with criminals

When the worried user calls the number indicated, he or she unknowingly communicates with criminals. The latter, playing the role of technicians, will try to extract a sum of money from him for a repair service.

5. Compromise

The fake technician asks the user to install software under the pretext of cleaning the computer. In reality, this software gives complete access to the victim’s computer data.

6. Fraudulent actions

With this access, the criminal recovers personal and financial data, which he can then exploit or resell on the black market, causing serious harm to the victim.

How to protect yourself from it?

To avoid falling into the trap of these scams, here are some practical tips:

Download your software only from official sites. Third-party sites can be sources of malware.

If in doubt, contact This site offers infographics and advice on the steps to follow in the event of cyber malware.

Do not call the number that appears in suspicious windows. Instead, restart your computer and file a complaint with the relevant authorities.

Never give access to your computer under pressure or duress. No legitimate help desk will ask for your banking details for troubleshooting.

In case of problem

If you are a victim of this type of scam or if you would like to receive advice, go to This site offers resources and support to help you secure your data and avoid the pitfalls of cyber crime.

Be vigilant and adopt best practices to protect your personal and financial information online.



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