is the second country most affected by natural disasters

is the second country most affected by natural disasters
France is the second country most affected by natural disasters

It is a statement which can be difficult to assimilate, however, scientists are clear: is the second country in the world most affected by natural disasterswith 59 events in 2024. It is Catnat, the permanent observatory of natural disasters which records daily the different phenomena occurring to the four corners of the globewho was able to establish a classification of 20 pays having experienced the greatest number of natural disasters for the current year. The hexagon is preceded by UNITED STATES which have faced 109 natural events so far, and is followed by the Chinewith 28 events.

Thunderstorms, the most significant natural disaster in France

All types of natural disasters are taken into account from bad weather to earthquakesincluding floods, heatwaves and even land movements. This year in France, these are storms and lightning which represent the greatest number of events (24), followed by fires (15) and avalanches (13). These same storms caused the greatest number of victims.

A majority of weather-related events

Among its analyses, Catnat takes into account events by hazard origin. In France, as in the world, these are indeed the weather events who dominate. 57 are to be deplored in France this year. Although less significant, 17 climatic events 5 hydrological events and 4 geological events were counted. Globally, nearly 350 weather disasters were noted, compared to approximately 160 climatic, 140 hydrological and 60 geological events. This explains the large number of floods, fires and storms which hit the entire globe.


A scary future

Is there a solution to combat the significant increase in the number of natural disasters each year? Yes, but today it seems very difficult to implement. Multiplication of these disasters can be explained by warming accelerated by our planet. To reduce them, we must therefore succeed in slowing down or even stopping global warming. But as shown in Potsdam Institute for climate impact research (PIK) in a report published on September 23, we will shortly cross the seventh environmental limitout of nine in total. A point of no return which does not bode well…



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