First a heat wave, then minus 15 degrees!

First a heat wave, then minus 15 degrees!

Attention, Germany! The heat is here to stay and is bringing us a heatwave that is really bad. At least for now. But then the weather will change. Here are the current Weather forecast.

August 2024 is turning out to be a really hot month: with an average temperature of 19.7 degrees, we are well above the long-term climate average – a full 3.1 degrees above the old and 1.5 degrees above the new climate average! But it’s not just the temperatures that are climbing, the sun is also doing its bit: 231 hours of sunshine have been recorded so far, which is a whopping 115 percent of the monthly target. However, the rain is falling far short of expectations, with only 60 liters per square meter, just 76 percent of the monthly target – an August that is far too warm and too dry!

Weather divides Germany in two

It will remain summery warm towards the weekend – Saturday promises temperatures of 25 to 32 degrees, Sunday could be even hotter, with up to 34 degrees. So swimming and sunbathing are the order of the day! But be careful: from Monday and Tuesday it could get uncomfortable again. Showers and thunderstorms are on the way, and temperatures could drop

And what happens next? September is just around the corner, but there is still no sign of autumn – at least not everywhere in Germany! It remains hot, especially in the south and east, with temperatures around 25 to 34 degrees.

In Stuttgart, the weather forecast shows a drop in temperature: The GFS model indicates significantly cooler days, with temperatures only around 20 degrees. That’s around 15 degrees less than currently – and still quite within the limits for the time of year. No one has to freeze.

This is what the weather will be like in the coming days

Freitag: A clear division of the weather is expected: In a strip from western Germany across the middle to the northeast and east, there will be showers and thunderstorms, while in the south and southwest as well as in the north and northwest there will be midsummer weather with temperatures of up to 34 degrees.

Saturday: On Saturday, the northern part of central Germany will be unsettled with rain, showers and thunderstorms, while sunny weather will prevail in the south and temperatures will reach 20 to 34 degrees.

Sunday: On Sunday, clouds and sunny spells will alternate, with showers and thunderstorms, especially in the west and in the mountains, and temperatures of 25 to 32 degrees. It will remain somewhat cooler in the north.

Montag: On Monday it will be cloudy with showers and thunderstorms in the west and north, while it will be sunnier in the east and south, with temperatures between 20 and 31 degrees.

Tuesday: On Tuesday it will remain cloudy with rain, showers and thunderstorms in the north and center of Germany, in the south it will be sunnier and dry, with maximum temperatures between 25 and 31 degrees.

Wednesday: On Wednesday it will remain cloudy with rain in the center and the north, while the south will remain mostly sunny, with temperatures reaching 25 to 31 degrees.

Thursday: On Thursday a weather front will pass through, bringing rain, showers and thunderstorms, after which it will remain cooler and mostly dry.

Weather in Berlin and Brandenburg: Heat and thunderstorms characterize the start of the weekend

High temperatures and isolated thunderstorms are expected in Berlin and Brandenburg at the start of the weekend. The German Weather Service (DWD) is warning of thunderstorms, particularly in the northern half of the country, while in the districts of Oberspreewald-Lausitz and Spree-Neiße and the city of Cottbus, high temperatures of up to 32 degrees are expected.

Today, maximum temperatures of up to 32 degrees are expected in Lower Lusatia, with isolated showers and thunderstorms initially mainly in the northwest of Brandenburg. These will also move into the Berlin and Potsdam area from the afternoon. It will continue to rain at night, but from the north it will clear up again in the early morning hours. Temperatures will fall to 12 degrees.

According to the DWD, it will be dry again at the weekend. With temperatures around 26 degrees on Saturday and 28 degrees on Sunday, there will once again be good bathing weather in Berlin and Brandenburg. It will be slightly cloudy in places.


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