Wagenknecht warns about Harris – Weidel wants Trump

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Stand: October 11, 2024, 4:52 a.m

Von: Felix Durach, Moritz Maier, Bedrettin Bölükbasi


Alice Weidel and Sahra Wagenknecht meet in a TV duel. The AfD leader sees an opportunity. The BSW founder sets a different tone.

Update from October 10th, 11:30 a.m.: The TV duel between Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Weidel on the topic of migration was particularly exciting. The BSW boss accused her opponent and the AfD of stirring up racist resentment on the issue. According to Wagenknecht, Thuringia’s state chairman Björn Höcke particularly stands out here. She found his statements “creepy,” said Wagenknecht. Weidel countered with his own accusations. When it comes to extremism, Wagenknecht is sitting in a glass house, said the AfD chairwoman, referring to the BSW founder’s past in the SED and as a member of the Communist Platform.

Update from October 9th, 10:24 p.m.: It was an unusual TV duel almost a year before the 2025 federal election. With Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Weidel, the two most controversial women in German politics met on Welt TV. It was an evening full of controversy. The analysis of the tense exchange can be found here.

TV duel between Wagenknecht and Weidel – duel between controversial politicians

Update from October 9th, 8:28 p.m.: It started with a brief pause for politeness. When asked the first question by moderator Jan Philipp Burgard in the so-called TV duel, Alice Weidel and Sahra Wagenknecht politely hesitated for a second and let each other go first. Then the AfD leader and the founder of the alliance, Sahra Wagenknecht, got started in the studio Welt TV. And the longer it took, the more contentious the whole thing became.

The duel between the two top women was also a warm-up for the federal election next year. In surveys nationwide, the AfD is at 17 to 20 percent, the BSW at 7 to 9 percent. Neither of them currently has any prospects of joining the federal government. But after the state elections in East Germany, both parties see themselves on a wave of success.

AfD and BSW: similarities and differences

Economy, education, Middle East, Ukraine: Weidel and Wagenknecht initially seemed to agree on a lot of things. “Mrs Wagenknecht is absolutely right,” said Weidel about the criticism of high energy costs and dilapidated infrastructure. Wagenknecht returned the favor with a “I agree” when it came to savings options in the household.

Wagenknecht advocated the use of Russian gas and called the Russia sanctions an own goal. On the subject of Ukraine, Wagenknecht emphasized that urgent attempts should be made to bring about a negotiated peace. “Ukraine will not be able to win this war, we have to negotiate.” Weidel said: “These are AfD positions that we have presented from the beginning.” She now finds that “a bit cheap,” replied Wagenknecht.

Moderator Burgard tried again and again to work out the differences – and found them, among other things, on the topic of debt. Wagenknecht spoke out in favor of loans for investments in infrastructure. Weidel insisted on the debt brake. In the war in the Middle East, the AfD is unilaterally siding with the Israeli government, said Wagenknecht. Weidel emphasized that every country has the right to self-defense. Both agreed that Germany should not supply weapons to Israel.

Alice Weidel (l), party and parliamentary group leader of the AfD, and Sahra Wagenknecht, party leader of BSW and member of the Bundestag, stand at their lecterns at the beginning of the TV duel on the news channel Welt-TV. © Kay Nietfeld/dpa

There is a dispute between Wagenknecht and Weidel on the subject of migration

However, when it came to the topic of migration, the two really clashed. The AfD and BSW actually agree on the demand for a tougher course when it comes to migration policy. However, Wagenknecht accused Weidel of stirring up resentment on the issue and of allowing herself to be harnessed by right-wing extremists in her party.

She repeatedly mentioned Thuringia’s AfD state leader Björn Höcke. For minutes, Wagenknecht read from a book by Höcke, where he spoke, among other things, of “well-tempered cruelty”. The BSW boss came to the conclusion: “I find it so scary.” When asked by the moderator, she “of course” ruled out a coalition with people who were in the “neo-Nazi swamp”.

Weidel then took her turn against Wagenknecht and said that she was sitting in a glass house when it came to extremism. In this context, Weidel accused Wagenknecht of being part of the left’s communist platform. Wagenknecht dismissed this as a kind of youthful sin and emphasized that she now represented completely different positions and that Weidel should please quote correctly.

Wagenknecht: “The Höckes dominate in the AfD”

According to moderator Burgard, it was the first time that both party leaders met live in a duel. During the course of the broadcast, Weidel complained several times that Wagenknecht had been allowed to answer in more detail. Wagenknecht often addressed the AfD leader directly and, for example, accused her of treating the BSW unfairly. The point was that Weidel had accused the new party of being a “stirrup holder” for established parties.

In the end, however, both of them found a respectful tone again. Burgard asked them to rate each other on a right-left scale. “I think Ms. Weidel represents conservative positions,” said Wagenknecht conciliatorily. The only problem is that “the Höckes” dominate in the AfD. Weidel, for her part, said: “What I like about Ms. Wagenknecht is that she sees things in a differentiated way” and: “I think she has a very balanced profile.” And then it was over.

Weidel wants Trump as US President in TV duel – Wagenknecht warns of Harris’ “war policy”

Update from October 9th, 7:20 p.m.: During the TV duel between Alice Weidel and Sahra Wagenknecht, the two politicians were also asked about the upcoming US election in November. AfD leader Weidel has a clear favorite: Donald Trump. “He is sometimes very, very sharp in his statements. “Nevertheless, he made good policies,” said the designated candidate for chancellor, explaining her decision. The AfD politician finds words of praise for the Republican, especially when it comes to economic policy.

Wagenknecht, on the other hand, is divided in her answer. The BSW boss explained that she was glad that she did not have to cast her vote in the November election. Because Kamala Harris doesn’t seem to be an alternative for Wagenknecht either. “Trump is insane and Harris will continue the war policy,” said Wagenknecht.

TV duel between Weidel and Wagenknecht – lines of conflict unclear

Update from October 9th, 6:44 p.m.: The mood in the Springer house before the start of the duel is significantly less tense than at the first big TV duel of this kind a few weeks ago; the Thuringian exchange of blows between Björn Höcke (AfD) and Mario Voigt (CDU).

While the lines of conflict were already clear before the duel, this time there was some uncertainty in the studio Welt TV. Particularly when it comes to questions of foreign policy, it was unclear until the duel whether and to what extent possible similarities between the two politicians would become clear.

Sahra Wagenknecht came to the studio first. As a media professional, the BSW founder appeared particularly relaxed and spoke briefly beforehand with journalists from other companies present. Weidel arrived shortly beforehand at a brisk pace and had no need to speak to the press before the broadcast began.

TV duel: Wagenknecht versus Weidel – AfD leader doesn’t want to argue

First report from October 9th: Berlin – AfD leader Alice Weidel says she is not looking for a fight in the planned TV duel with party founder Sahra Wagenknecht. “I don’t think there would be any reason to be confrontational in any way,” Weidel said, according to the German press agency when asked whether the duel with Wagenknecht would be more confrontational or cozy from her point of view. “I believe that you have to deal fairly with every political competitor.”

Weidel-Wagenknecht duel: AfD leader is optimistic

The problems in Germany can no longer be solved if solutions are not discussed across camps. “You can only come to a holistic solution across camps by finally having a conversation and not somehow covering yourself with strange firewalls and requests for a ban,” said Weidel.

Sender Welt TV
time 6 p.m
Ort Berlin
Participant Alice Weidel, Sahra Wagenknecht
Moderator Jan Philipp Burgard

When asked about the planned TV duel, Wagenknecht also said: “I think it is sensible and right to deal with the content of the AfD.” She is confident that she will argue objectively with Weidel and “the differences may also be for many voters also become clearer.” You would be doing the AfD a favor if you avoided the debate.

TV duel with Weidel: Wagenknecht rejects AfD ban proceedings as “stupid”.

The motion in the Bundestag for an AfD ban is “the stupidest motion of this year, perhaps the stupidest motion of this legislature,” said the chairwoman of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht German press agency according to. The two women will appear in a joint live broadcast on Wednesday evening (6 p.m.). Welt TV on. According to the broadcaster, topics will include migration, economic and social policy as well as the Ukraine war and the Middle East conflict.

Wagenknecht had originally described her party as a “serious offer” for those who vote AfD in protest. For some time now, she has been advocating not reflexively rejecting what comes from the AfD. A different way of dealing with the party is needed. (bb/dpa)



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