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Faced with the outcry in Marseille, Pernod Ricard finally gives up sponsoring PSG and “will continue to proudly claim its origins”

Faced with the outcry in Marseille, Pernod Ricard finally gives up sponsoring PSG and “will continue to proudly claim its origins”

Pernod Ricard has finally backtracked. Earlier this week, Paris Saint-Germain had formalized a four-year partnership, until 2028, with the brand, one of the most emblematic in Provence and whose headquarters is based in Marseille. But this Thursday, the chairman and CEO of the Pernod Ricard group announced that the company was giving up sponsoring PSG.

“I made this decision for the Group and in consultation with those who make it successful, including our employees in France, our customers and our shareholders, first and foremost my family. For over 90 years, Ricard’s history has been intertwined with Marseille, which saw it born, grow and inspire it. And this link is stronger than anything,” he wrote in a press release.

The announcement of this partnership has indeed sparked strong reactions from Marseille supporters, both angry and confused to see the brand team up with their sworn enemy. “I understand that it shocks people. I think it’s a stab in the back, yes…”, commented Daniel Riolo on Tuesday on RMC during the After Foot.

“A decision that comes from the heart”

While the group welcomed “this new global partnership” which “will showcase the Group’s entire premium brand catalogue”, OM fans and residents of the Phocaean city were quick to launch a hashtag #boycottPernodRicard, notably suggesting other brands of pastis to buy.

The controversy even took a family turn when Lorraine Ricard publicly denounced the company’s strategy. “Today, the company seems to have forgotten this tribute and its origins by signing this partnership with PSG. When business betrays its roots, it damages its history and takes risks with its future,” posted on Linkedin the granddaughter of Paul Ricard, founder of the brand, the daughter of former boss Patrick Ricard and the cousin of Alexandre Ricard, current CEO.

The latter assures that his choice not to ultimately sponsor PSG is “a decision that comes from the heart”. “I am certain that the people who worked on this project will understand my choice. Pernod Ricard will proudly continue to claim its origins and the sincerity of the links that unite our brands to their communities”, he concludes in the press release.

- RMC Sport


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