For Charles Noakes, this title is “the best way to thank my parents”

For Charles Noakes, this title is “the best way to thank my parents”

The 27-year-old Frenchman, who was a Paralympic badminton champion on Monday, had difficulty realising the significance of his performance, moved as he was thinking of his father and mother.

At the Arena Porte de la Chapelle

Charles, how do you feel with this gold medal around your neck?
Charles Noakes : This is one of the best days of my life. It’s something incredible. I’m very moved, very proud to be French, very proud to have done like Lucas Mazur and won this gold medal. It was very important for me to win because I’ve been working almost every day for five years, 35 hours a week for just one moment, this one. Right now, I have no words and I still can’t quite believe it. Winning in front of my family, my friends and the whole of France is magical. Today, I’ve achieved my dream and I’m going to enjoy the moment.

You won in style too…
In the first set, I had a bit of trouble mentally. In fact, I was a bit stressed (smile). There were a lot of people, there was a crazy atmosphere and in front of me, I had an opponent who played very well, who made very few mistakes. It was very important to win this first set to win the mental battle. Then, in the second set, I was better and I really insisted on his backhand side, which is a bit of his weak point. I knew how to seize the opportunity and I felt that he was starting to crack a bit, so I brought the atmosphere back with the crowd because I knew that it could make the difference. Today, I thank the crowd who were great with me during all my matches. There are people who have traveled every day from Nantes to support me. It shows that they have a big heart, a great generosity.

Is there also a sense of relief in having succeeded?
Yes, in a way. I am coming out of five years of hard work. In 2019, I joined the CREPS in Nantes to be able to train in the best conditions to try to be a champion and I am very happy to have achieved this in Paris.

It’s also a revenge on life because I’ve had difficult times in my career, times of doubt, times of defeat…

Charles Noakes

Are you aware that you have now become a headliner in para badminton alongside Lucas Mazur?
Lucas trusted me a few years ago, he always supported me and even today, he showed me the way. I am very proud to have him as a sports sponsor. He has always been there in difficult moments. This is the first final that I have won in singles in an international tournament. It is also a revenge on life because I have known difficult moments in my career, moments of doubt, moments of defeat… I almost gave up too. But there are many people who believed in me and wanted me to flourish. I thank them enormously because without them, I would not be here.

You also insist a lot on the role of your parents…
Yes, right now, I just want to give them a big hug. This medal is the best way for me to say thank you. My parents, they have been with me every day for 27 years, and it hasn’t always been easy. Without their daily support, I wouldn’t have succeeded. I have a picture of them on my watch and they were like medicine. I’m also fighting for them. I want them to be proud of having a son who is a Paralympic champion.

Now you will have an inspiring role for young people…
Yes. I am very involved in everything that raises awareness about disability and disabled sports. I want to show others that we can all achieve our dreams, whatever our differences. Today, I have given myself the means to succeed, while being well surrounded, which is also important. You have to believe in yourself and go all the way.

You have worked a lot on the mental level with a psychologist…
Yes. For a long time, my mental strength was my weak point. Physically, I am strong. In terms of relaxation, I am strong. In terms of play, I know how to play badminton. But mentally, I was below. In terms of experience too because I have only been playing badminton for six or seven years. I am still young in the discipline. I knew that the key to winning was in the mind, which represents 70% of sporting performance. It is not always easy to control your emotions.

A word about the atmosphere in this room…
France has done an extraordinary job in organizing these Paralympic Games. When you see full stands in each discipline, it’s incredible. France has succeeded in its mission and I think we can place it on the top step of the podium in terms of organization. These Games will remain forever etched in my memory.


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