Between baby bottles, her position as mayor and French lessons, Marie-Julie Nemery has no time to be bored

Between baby bottles, her position as mayor and French lessons, Marie-Julie Nemery has no time to be bored
Between baby bottles, her position as mayor and French lessons, Marie-Julie Nemery has no time to be bored

Launched into politics for the 2012 elections when Joël Poncelet came to pick her up, Marie-Julie Nemery came within a few votes of becoming a councilor. “But as I was still studying, it wasn’t any worse not to have been elected, she said afterwards. In 2018, I continued with André Defat where I became an opposition advisor.”

For six years, the eldest of the Nemerys, she has two sisters who also became mothers in the year 2024, was able to learn, gain experience on the benches of the minority by asserting herself more and more in the throughout the sessions. Calm and attentive, Marie-Julie Nemery is not the type to launch into great lyrical flights to express her opinion. Which does not prevent her from knowing how to show her teeth when she considers it necessary, as during the electoral campaign when the young woman led the Transparency list. “Other people would have been just as capable of leading the listshe specifies. The three candidates who were present in 2018 on the list did not want this role. I accepted, knowing that I was pregnant. I saw this as the continuation of my political commitment. Why am I related to the MR? Because for me, work is a fundamental value of our society.”

A political commitment that this passionate stalker passed on to her sister, Marie-Aline, candidate in Paliseul. “It’s more of a coincidence than anything else. assures Marie-Julie Nemery, who was part of the municipal children’s council. At home, our parents didn’t really talk politics. My sister has become a social action advisor, a role that will suit her perfectly.”

Tracking, a passion

In private as at work, the young woman is not the type to give up. When she sets out to do something, she does it until the end.

It is not her former teammates from the Corbion football club who will say the opposite. Even after taking a 30-0 in the gums, Marie-Julie Nemery was the first to return to the field the following week. “Without being particularly proud of the result ehshe smiled. But the main thing was to have a good time.”


Another passion? The stalking. “This year, given the big se, I had to put that in parentheses, but I still went there a time or two. I plan to start again next year. What do I like about this activity? Being in naturere, with the dogs. Adrenaline and the sporting aspect too. And then you’re among friends.”

A French teacher at IND Bertrix, the young woman plans to continue her profession, while reducing her hours. “By keeping only two fourth grade classes, or ten hours per week, she said. A vocation? When renovating, I didn’t really know where to go. As I was good at French and loved reading, I turned to studying novels. And it was only by doing an internship at the IND that I understood that this was the job I needed. We will take stock in June, but I tell myself that it is playable, because it is a course that I have been giving for several years and that I have mastered.”

But when we know that Marie-Julie Nemery, also in charge of organizing rheto activities, reworks her lessons every year, we say to ourselves that the free moments are not yet there…



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